Jason M Schenkel
T cell immunologist. Transfusion med doc. Former@masopust_vezys/@CFI_UMN, @LabJacks/@KochInstitute/@BWHPath, Assist. Prof in TMP, Immuno,Lab Med @MDAndersonNews
ID: 1429506527572938756
22-08-2021 18:11:37
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Are you a recent BS graduate with training and experience in bioinformatics and/or computational biology? We are looking for our next lab member joint with Alison M. Taylor Edmond Chan labs to study aneuploidy, genetics, and epigenetics in cancer! Join us! 1/2

Excited for our paper to be finally out!! Thank you so much Jason M Schenkel for the opportunity to work on it!! It was a blast!! Our labelling approach highlights the temporal dynamics of leukocyte migration into tissues which could open up new avenues of therapeutic intervention.

Excited to share our perspective on resident memory T cells in solid tumors!!Huge thanks to Immunity and Jodi Gullicksrud. Amazing figures and artwork from Katarina Cheng and support from the whole Masopust Vezys Lab team. kwnsfk27.r.eu-west-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2…

Our paper describing in vitro resident memory T cell differentiation in an epithelial organoid model is out at Cell Reports doi.org/10.1016/j.celr…. If you are excited about T cells and reproductive mucosa, we are looking for postdocs-apply.interfolio.com/145385