Professor & Vice-Chair, Dedicated to Public Health via Access, Quality & Treating #Obesity, Past-President@ASMBS, Inaugural MBSAQIP Chair@AmCollSurgeons, @yale
ID: 1255395608
https://medicine.yale.edu/profile/john_morton/ 09-03-2013 21:14:17
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Wonderful event! What a life- so grateful- thanks Philip Schauer, MD

Proud to present our Top 10 paper “Cost-effectiveness of Weight loss medications and surgery” ASMBS 40th annual meeting #obesity Yale School of Medicine Yale Surgery Yale New Haven Hosp

Standing room only for Scott Sussman’s presentation on disclosure after #adverse event Yale Surgery Yale Anesthesiology combined grand rounds- important skill for important topic Yale School of Medicine Yale New Haven Hosp Yale University

A new review on obesity The Lancet thelancet.com/journals/lance… Ildiko Lingvay Priya Sumithran

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