Jorge Luis Salinas
Hospital Epidemiologist. Stanford University
ID: 550110661
https://profiles.stanford.edu/jorge-salinas 10-04-2012 13:27:26
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📢📢📢📢📢📢📢 Calling all Infection Prevention / Hospital Epidemiologists: Check out this amazing IP/HE medical director position Washington University ID Division Apply today!!! Link in comments.

If you’re wondering, “But wait, how do I know the pre-test probability for bacteremia in common infectious diseases?” Well, Valeria Fabre covers some of these in this must-read scoping review! academic.oup.com/cid/article/71…

The routine ordering of ESR & CRP should stop. These tests aren’t specific to any particular disease, they can’t differentiate infection from acute/chronic inflammation, and their ability to prognosticate is limited. Brad Spellberg Clinical Microbiology and Infection clinicalmicrobiologyandinfection.com/article/S1198-…

8:00 Happy Education Day! (One morning each week is dedicated to education.) There are no grand rounds during the summer so first up: didactics with Stanford Infectious Diseases Fellowship's Dr. Guillermo Nava. #surgerydayinthelife

Honored for the opportunity! Great audience and a lot of engagement, with insightful feedback, despite some coming after long surgery call for an 8:00 AM boring lecture on Blood Culture stewardship! Stanford Medicine Infectious Diseases

🗣️ I just heard from our awesome chief Rebecca Sands, DO FAAHPM Stanford Palliative Care is hiring! 2 new faculty positions! See link for info: stanfordmedicine.box.com/s/k87qjfwfg320… Stanford Primary Care and Population Health Grant Smith Keri O. Brenner Shireen Heidari, MD Felicia Hui Winnie Teuteberg Alex Gamble Joe Hannah

We have an exciting TX ID job opening BCMHouston for a clinical-educator or clinician-researcher of any faculty rank to join our expanding TC ID practice at @CHI_StLukes #IDtwitter #MedTwitter healthecareers.com/idsa/job/Infec…

🆕NEW from Chiotos et al at CHOP Infectious Diseases: ➡️ Authors find a diagnostic stewardship intervention reduces inappropriate tracheal aspirate cultures in a tertiary care PICU and post-acute care unit 📄: doi.org/10.1017/ice.20…

#IDTwitter Priya Nori MD, FSHEA, FIDSA The Title Says it All! Open Access in ASHE Journal Greenhouse gas emissions due to unnecessary antibiotic prescriptions bit.ly/3B0Is1M

We are recruiting an ID physician to join our clinical team Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. The ID service is a wonderful community for clinicians, educators, and investigators, or a mix of all three + has ID fellows. Please RT and apply. #TransplantID #IDJobs healthecareers.com/job/faculty-po…