Justin Kenny
Husband. Dad. Outreach Coordinator @opsfootball. Co-founder OutsidetheHuddle.net. 1994 Price Elem. Geography Bee runner-up. Gettysburg is my happy place.
ID: 2273510629
http://OPSFootball.com 02-01-2014 20:13:48
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745 Following
ANEC Sports Podcast: Episode 2 Featured guests Stratton Fuller of CC Eagles Football Brian Rexroad of ENSoccerRex Justin Kenny of OPS/Outside the Huddle youtu.be/k72KpcBXJYo?si…
New episode: We make our 2025 #IndyCar silly season driver lineup predictions. Plus, pricing for Venu Sports is revealed and Jamie Chadwick gets her first IndyCar test open.spotify.com/episode/09fvUj…
I caught up with Justin Kenny of Outside the Huddle and OPS to preview Northeast Indiana football including Year 2 of the SAC’s 2-divisional format. open.spotify.com/episode/2Ivb7V…
The Grand Wayne Convention Center in Fort Wayne has an interesting combo of events Saturday. Combine em!
He's Baaaaaacckk! Justin Kenny returns w/ his picks, predictions, and prognostications as Inside The Zone makes its 2024 debut on wane.com! Check out the 3⃣0⃣ minute season preview edition right here, then check back each Monday through state: wane.com/high-school-sp…
Join us tonight at 7:30 eastern as we have Kyle Sokeland Michael Dywan and Justin Kenny on to talk Week One of Indiana HS Football. You don’t want to miss our season kickoff show TONIGHT x.com/i/spaces/1ypkd…
VIDEO: What did we learn after week 1⃣? What can we learn in week 2⃣? Justin Kenny joins us for an all-new edition of ITZ, including a GOTW preview between Knights Football & Snider Football! wane.com/high-school-sp…
Join us tonight as we talk Indiana High School Football with Justin Kenny and we are joined by Gino Prescott. Tune in at 7:30 pm eastern x.com/i/spaces/1YpKk…
Loaded show tonight with Justin Kenny Austin Hough Gino Prescott Treasure Washington Join us at 7:30 pm Eastern here on Twitter x.com/i/spaces/1YpKk…
This morning on Jim Shovlin powered by McMahon’s Best-One, Dedrick Hendrix and I give you Week 2 scores (and resumption times) of games with Justin Kenny. We'll also chat with Kayla Crawford and we'll chat with Mike Nutter in our @tincaps chat. Tune in from 9-10am on 1380 The Fan.