Jin Wang (she/her)
Assistant Professor @uclaseis, Post-doc @HGSE. Ph.D @VanderbiltU, studying the neural basis of language, reading, & math development. fMRI.
ID: 1140337866880344064
https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=JLYxtz0AAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate 16-06-2019 19:18:28
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Our dept Peabody College Vanderbilt University is hiring a tenure track (open rank) professor in K-12 edu leadership! It's an understatement to say how incredible it has been to be in this amazing community of scholars. Jennifer Russell for ?s, but happy to chat, too!! apply.interfolio.com/153775
Fabulous resource on #DevLangDis from The Informed SLP DLD Assessment: Start here theinformedslp.com/review/DLD-Ass…
Red-eye flight to Baltimore for Flux Society🧠, but worth it! I will moderate a Grant Writing panel on Friday at 6:30 pm, & present a poster of preliminary results on the relation of familial risks to the numerical brain with Dr. Nadine Gaab and Daniel Ansari on Monday. Come and talk with me!
Flying to Chicago for Society for Neuroscience (SfN), come by our mini symposium Sunday morning! See you soon friends! I will talk about my infant fMRI work with Dr. Nadine Gaab
Speaking up for #devlangdis! From scrolllab.org: It's DLD Awareness Day! We are following the efforts of RADLDcampaign and Speaking Up! Check out this award winning video below to learn more about DLD: youtube.com/watch?v=9b7Xp_…
As a new faculty, it’s always very nice to hear such advices from senior PIs and sweet to know that they are fighting for creating a healthier and happier academic culture. Thanks Stephen Wilson for making such a lovely episode plus the wonderful language ones. Always enjoyed it!