Jiangpeng Cui
Associate professor at Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, CAS, studying global ecohydrology change.
ID: 807089091795787776
https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jiangpeng_Cui2 09-12-2016 05:06:49
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Very excited to share our paper published today NatureEcoEvo, showing how structural overshoot can lead to greater drought impact on ecosystems. Thanks to great coauthors Trevor Keenan Sha Zhou nature.com/articles/s4155…

Congrats 🎉 to Associate Director Jeff McDonnell for being named a 2021 #AAASFellow by AAAS "To be back home in Canada & w/ such an outstanding group of water researchers in the Global Institute for Water Security has been a privilege" says McDonnell More about the award👉 buff.ly/3u3ZW86

Increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide levels induce physiological vegetation responses that amplify local warming. Mingzhu He nature.com/articles/s4324…

NEW on our blog: Dr Chris Huntingford tells us more about a new study Nature Geoscience which reveals how global water availability is affected by changes in vegetation cover ceh.ac.uk/news-and-media… #NetZero #deforestation #WaterSecurity

Nature Geoscience Xu Lian Jiangpeng Cui Nature Portfolio "It is the simplicity of the ratio that means it provides a “one stop” number to broadly assess where substantially changed local and upstream land cover is likely to be most helpful towards securing on-going water availability." Read the full paper: rdcu.be/cZi6f

A new study working with Pierre Gentine & Wenli Zhao came out today (nature.com/articles/s4146…), in which we developed a new framework to isolate rainfall interception from tower-based ET, and upscale to the globe. We find that rain charateristics matter most for this water flux.

Happy to share our new paper that estimated the magnitude of annual plant transpiration flux over China and assessed the impact of simulated transpiration on runoff projection. Thanks to Xu Lian Mingzhu He Tao Wang mingzhu he, zhongwang wei agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/20…

Check out our new paper online today at NatureEcoEvo. We show that greener springs are increasingly followed by browner summers over the past decades, suggesting a shift from win-win to seasonal trade-off between spring carbon gain and summer carbon loss. nature.com/articles/s4155…

Our March Issue is now live nature.com/natwater/volum…. It includes a focus issue on #ecohydrology, courtesy of our senior editor Yanhua Chen nature.com/collections/ff…. Thanks Colin McLean for the beautiful image on the cover

Very excited to share our Commentary published Nature Water, showing that it is critical to incorporate ecosystem water demands into ecological drought monitoring and assessment, in addition to water supply indicated by PDSI or SPEI. nature.com/articles/s4422…