Jawad Hussain, MD
Interventional Radiologist at Commonwealth Radiology, P.C. Tweets are my own.
ID: 2737433213
08-08-2014 18:16:46
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1yr post partial nephrectomy, sudden onset hematuria. #NowYouSeeIT #NowYouDont #iRADMagic Jeffrey F. B. Chick, MD, MPH Ravi Srinivasa Namit Mahajan Nishant Patel @mmkhayatmd Alexandria CVIR Rajiv Srinivasa Evan Johnson

Late #FF #GTFO. Failed@OSH, Deflecting sheath to help get off Renal Vein-Then chomp chomp! Robert Ryu Kush Desai Osman Ahmed Sabeen Dhand Ahmed Kamel MD, PhD, FSIR Alexandria CVIR John Moriarty Mike Watts Austin Bourgeois Mount Sinai IR Mark Lessne, MD Keith Pereira MD, #VIrad Peder E. Horner, MD Interventional Physician Aaron Shiloh MD FSIR AJ Gunn

A simple and fast technique for single pass primary jejunostomy feeding tube placement in patients with Roux-en-Y gastric bypass anatomy! #transnasalsnare UCLA IR IRad Lab Society of Interventional Radiology Jeffrey F. B. Chick, MD, MPH Alexandria CVIR Nishant Patel Adam Plotnik MD FSIR John Moriarty CVIR Journal

Put 5000 units of heparin in your Penumbra canister to easily separate out the chronic clot! Chronic portal and splenic vein thrombosis s/p TIPS. #cat8 #WorldThrombosisDay UCLA IR Alexandria CVIR Jeffrey F. B. Chick, MD, MPH Adam Plotnik MD FSIR Jawad Hussain, MD Society of Interventional Radiology Nishant Patel IRad Lab

Menorrhagia + bulk symptoms. Standard #UFE preceded by SHNB. Ropivacaine preferred; less potential for cardiac and neurotoxicity than bupivacaine. #IRad #MIIP Ravi Srinivasa Jeffrey F. B. Chick, MD, MPH Nishant Patel Jawad Hussain, MD Rajiv Srinivasa Evan Johnson Mina S. Makary, MD

15 yo fractured Optease, causing caval stenosis, RLE DVT. Chronically occluded LCIV stent. Made for a fun afternoon with Namit Mahajan. #CavalFlowHereWeGo #WeCanReCan Jeffrey F. B. Chick, MD, MPH Ravi Srinivasa Nishant Patel Rajiv Srinivasa @mmkhayatmd Evan Johnson Robert Ryu Kumar Madassery

Short-lived, but incredibly fun reunion for the #ABR certifying exam. Missing a couple in this picture. Nishant Patel Jawad Hussain, MD Rajiv Srinivasa Evan Johnson Ravi Srinivasa Jeffrey F. B. Chick, MD, MPH @MichiganVIR

Former fellows Matt Osher and Nick Romano treating chylous effusions and ascites with thoracic duct and lymphatic embolizations. #HelpingHands #Proud #IRAD #WeCanAllDoThis JVIR CVIR Journal Jawad Hussain, MD @mmkhayatmd Nick Romano Alexandria CVIR UCLA IR @MichiganVIR

College student, unable to ambulate in dorm. Extensive biiliac and caval thrombus and atretic IVC. #ClotTriever/#FlowTriever for the help. Back to exploring campus, no pain on clinic follow-up. #IRad #WeCanRecan Jawad Hussain, MD Rajiv Srinivasa Nishant Patel Jeffrey F. B. Chick, MD, MPH Ravi Srinivasa Mina S. Makary, MD

Challenging pancreatitis associated distal splenic artery pseudoaneurysm embolization. Patient did well! Discharged next day #IRad #embolization #radial Kumar Madassery Jawad Hussain, MD Jordan Tasse

60-year-old woman with cholelithiasis and not a surgical candidate. #TheresStillAnotherOption #IRadToTheRescue #ScopesOutStonesOut #IREndoscopy #LiveTubeFree #IRad Jeffrey F. B. Chick, MD, MPH @mmkhayatmd Nishant Patel Ravi Srinivasa @ShahmanMD Kyle Cooper Jawad Hussain, MD Evan Johnson UCLA IR @MichiganVIR

Excellent port placement editorial by Evan Johnson. Port placement in neutropenic patients associated with 4X higher infection-related removal. Consider alternative access in these patients. JVIR Mayo Clinic Mayo Clinic Radiology Alexandria CVIR SIR RFS UCLA IR Michigan Radiology

Really awesome technique for placing j tubes in patients with hiatal hernias! Described in detail by Jeffrey F. B. Chick, MD, MPH Ravi Srinivasa Nishant Patel @mmkhayatmd Jacob Bundy, MD, MPH Anthony Hage, MD. A new tool for the arsenal! #dreamitdoit #thinkirad. Alexandria CVIR UCLA IR @MichiganVIR Ohio State Radiology

Fractured jejunal limb of gastrojejunostomy visualized and retrieved by transgastric interventional radiology-operated endoscopy with endobronchial forceps by #IRAD. Replaced with button-type gastrostomy. JVIR CVIR Journal SIR RFS Ravi Srinivasa @mmkhayatmd Jawad Hussain, MD #Shields

Post gastric bypass choledocholithiasis. Nice correlation between IOC and biliary endoscopy. #thereshopewithascope Jeffrey F. B. Chick, MD, MPH Rajiv Srinivasa Ravi Srinivasa Nishant Patel @mmkhayatmd Evan Johnson Namit Mahajan

Unstable, intubated pt with massive pulmonary embolism. Metastatic cancer and low platelets. Not a good tPA candidate. Mechanical thrombectomy with #Inari #FlowTriever Pt stabilized, extubated and on their way to recovery #PERT Jawad Hussain, MD Kumar Madassery

Totally percutaneous extra-axillary, extra-anatomic, veno-venous bypass for debilitating arm swelling secondary to invasive breast cancer. Find an Interventional Radiologist for the most complex venous interventions. #IRAD #Venous #TheFuture SIR RFS David Shin University of Washington PennIR