Jawad Hussain, MD (@jhussainmd) 's Twitter Profile
Jawad Hussain, MD


Interventional Radiologist at Commonwealth Radiology, P.C. Tweets are my own.

ID: 2737433213

calendar_today08-08-2014 18:16:46

249 Tweet


182 Following

Jeffrey F. B. Chick, MD, MPH (@chickvir) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Former fellows Matt Osher and Nick Romano treating chylous effusions and ascites with thoracic duct and lymphatic embolizations. #HelpingHands #Proud #IRAD #WeCanAllDoThis JVIR CVIR Journal Jawad Hussain, MD @mmkhayatmd Nick Romano Alexandria CVIR UCLA IR @MichiganVIR

Former fellows Matt Osher and Nick Romano treating chylous effusions and ascites with thoracic duct and lymphatic embolizations. #HelpingHands #Proud #IRAD #WeCanAllDoThis <a href="/JVIRmedia/">JVIR</a> <a href="/CVIR_Journal/">CVIR Journal</a> <a href="/jhussainMD/">Jawad Hussain, MD</a> @mmkhayatmd <a href="/NRomano/">Nick Romano</a> <a href="/AlexCVIR/">Alexandria CVIR</a> <a href="/uclaVIR/">UCLA IR</a> @MichiganVIR
Mamdouh Khayat (@mamdouhkhayatmd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

College student, unable to ambulate in dorm. Extensive biiliac and caval thrombus and atretic IVC. #ClotTriever/#FlowTriever for the help. Back to exploring campus, no pain on clinic follow-up. #IRad #WeCanRecan Jawad Hussain, MD Rajiv Srinivasa Nishant Patel Jeffrey F. B. Chick, MD, MPH Ravi Srinivasa Mina S. Makary, MD

College student, unable to ambulate in dorm. Extensive biiliac and caval thrombus and atretic IVC. #ClotTriever/#FlowTriever for the help. Back to exploring campus, no pain on clinic follow-up. #IRad #WeCanRecan <a href="/jhussainMD/">Jawad Hussain, MD</a> <a href="/iRadRaj/">Rajiv Srinivasa</a> <a href="/IRadNAP/">Nishant Patel</a> <a href="/CHICKVIR/">Jeffrey F. B. Chick, MD, MPH</a> <a href="/medravi/">Ravi Srinivasa</a> <a href="/MinaMakaryMD/">Mina S. Makary, MD</a>
JVIR (@jvirmedia) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Mediastinal Lymphangioma Complicated by Chylopericardium, Tamponade, and Cardiac Arrest Treated with an Endolymphatic Stent Graft | ow.ly/HBdI30m2mga #irad

Mediastinal Lymphangioma Complicated by Chylopericardium, Tamponade, and Cardiac Arrest Treated with an Endolymphatic Stent Graft | ow.ly/HBdI30m2mga #irad
Rajiv Srinivasa (@iradraj) 's Twitter Profile Photo

60-year-old woman with cholelithiasis and not a surgical candidate. #TheresStillAnotherOption #IRadToTheRescue #ScopesOutStonesOut #IREndoscopy #LiveTubeFree #IRad Jeffrey F. B. Chick, MD, MPH @mmkhayatmd Nishant Patel Ravi Srinivasa @ShahmanMD Kyle Cooper Jawad Hussain, MD Evan Johnson UCLA IR @MichiganVIR

60-year-old woman with cholelithiasis and not a surgical candidate. #TheresStillAnotherOption #IRadToTheRescue #ScopesOutStonesOut #IREndoscopy #LiveTubeFree #IRad <a href="/CHICKVIR/">Jeffrey F. B. Chick, MD, MPH</a> @mmkhayatmd <a href="/IRadNAP/">Nishant Patel</a> <a href="/medravi/">Ravi Srinivasa</a> @ShahmanMD <a href="/KyleCooperMD/">Kyle Cooper</a> <a href="/jhussainMD/">Jawad Hussain, MD</a> <a href="/EJJohnsonMD/">Evan Johnson</a> <a href="/uclaVIR/">UCLA IR</a> @MichiganVIR
Jeffrey F. B. Chick, MD, MPH (@chickvir) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Fractured jejunal limb of gastrojejunostomy visualized and retrieved by transgastric interventional radiology-operated endoscopy with endobronchial forceps by #IRAD. Replaced with button-type gastrostomy. JVIR CVIR Journal SIR RFS Ravi Srinivasa @mmkhayatmd Jawad Hussain, MD #Shields

Fractured jejunal limb of gastrojejunostomy visualized and retrieved by transgastric interventional radiology-operated endoscopy with endobronchial forceps by #IRAD. Replaced with button-type gastrostomy. <a href="/JVIRmedia/">JVIR</a> <a href="/CVIR_Journal/">CVIR Journal</a> <a href="/SIRRFS/">SIR RFS</a> <a href="/medravi/">Ravi Srinivasa</a> @mmkhayatmd <a href="/jhussainMD/">Jawad Hussain, MD</a> #Shields
Namit Mahajan (@namitmahajanmd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Unstable, intubated pt with massive pulmonary embolism. Metastatic cancer and low platelets. Not a good tPA candidate. Mechanical thrombectomy with #Inari #FlowTriever Pt stabilized, extubated and on their way to recovery #PERT Jawad Hussain, MD Kumar Madassery

Unstable, intubated pt with massive pulmonary embolism. Metastatic cancer and low platelets. Not a good tPA candidate. Mechanical thrombectomy with #Inari #FlowTriever Pt stabilized, extubated and on their way to recovery #PERT <a href="/jhussainMD/">Jawad Hussain, MD</a> <a href="/kmadass/">Kumar Madassery</a>
Jeffrey F. B. Chick, MD, MPH (@chickvir) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Totally percutaneous extra-axillary, extra-anatomic, veno-venous bypass for debilitating arm swelling secondary to invasive breast cancer. Find an Interventional Radiologist for the most complex venous interventions. #IRAD #Venous #TheFuture SIR RFS David Shin University of Washington PennIR

Totally percutaneous extra-axillary, extra-anatomic, veno-venous bypass for debilitating arm swelling secondary to invasive breast cancer. Find an Interventional Radiologist for the most complex venous interventions. #IRAD #Venous #TheFuture <a href="/SIRRFS/">SIR RFS</a> <a href="/davidsshin/">David Shin</a> <a href="/UW/">University of Washington</a> <a href="/Penn_IR/">PennIR</a>