Bloomberg Distinguished Professors
Established by @MikeBloomberg, the Bloomberg Distinguished Professors are a cadre of world-class, interdisciplinary faculty collaborating across @JohnsHopkins
ID: 3081677861
http://bdp.jhu.edu 09-03-2015 14:25:43
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In a new Scientific American article, BDP Otis Brawley speculates on the many variables at play when understanding why certain cancers are expected to become more prevalent in Gen X. scientificamerican.com/article/gen-x-…

In a recent book review, The Lancet Infectious Diseases writes that "throughout his book, Arturo Casadevall is careful to emphasize the balance of opportunity present in fungal diversity, to showcase how what we don't know could either kill us or save us." thelancet.com/journals/lanin…

BDP Jane Carlton will be speaking at the International Congress for Tropical Medicine and Malaria in Malaysia, Sept 19-23. Learn more about the conference here: ictmm2024.org

Dr. Lawrence Jackson (Lawrence Jackson), a Bloomberg Distinguished Professors with Johns Hopkins Arts & Sciences, is a founding professor of Inheritance Baltimore, a program that helped Dr. Jackson bring a historic tapestry to St. James Episcopal for their 200th jubilee. #FacultyFriday Read more: hub.jhu.edu/2024/07/01/thr…!

An article from Cancer Health details a study co-authored by BDP Daniel Polsky showing how different versions of #Medicare can make a difference in what a patient's end-of-life care looks like. cancerhealth.com/article/medica…

Two people have died after being infected with a drug-resistant fungus that has never been detected in humans before. BDP Arturo Casadevall weighs in as to what may have caused these fungi to adapt. the-sun.com/health/1194811…

In a new Marketplace article on the challenges of a country moving their capital city, BDP Filipe Campante weighs in on what complications arise when a capital is built in a remote area. marketplace.org/2024/08/12/ind…

Tomorrow at Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg Center - From Policy to Practice: Cultivating Trust in America's Health System, where BDP Melinda B. Buntin will be moderating a panel discussion of experts, with a networking reception afterwards. mailchi.mp/2a78738dfdd9/x…

Join us tomorrow for the Hopkins Business of Health Initiative "From Policy to Practice: Cultivating Trust in America's Health System" panel🔽 Former U.S. Sen. Richard Burr & NYU Grossman School of Medicine’s Lauren A Taylor and Bloomberg Distinguished Professors Melinda B. Buntin join us at #HopkinsBloombergCenter.