Full time science teacher: Forensic Sciences, Chemistry, Ecology, and AP Environmental Science
ID: 2766528646
10-09-2014 17:50:57
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Why did the Atlantic ocean open up 60 million yrs ago? This week we're 150 mi off Greenland in water 2.7 km deep, drilling for samples of basalt crust buried 1.3 km below the seabed, to get answers. This work will be impossible after 2024 with JOIDES Resolution de-funded. #Exp395 #IODP
Congratulations to Dr Anne Briais and Ross Parnell-Turner for making the 1km club during your JOIDES Resolution #Exp395
These incredible rocks drilled today tell us what Earth’s seafloor was like 27 million years ago. We won’t be able to sample this deep again for decades because scientific ocean drilling is being cancelled by U.S. National Science Foundation in 2024. #Exp395 #IODP
Weston HS Forensic Science stds getting the grand tour. Thanks to Weston Police for explaining how the chain of custody is important in the criminal justice system. #realworldapplication
Thanks to JOIDES Resolution for the great Zoom sessions with Weston High School students. This is applied science at its best! #exp401 #shiptoshore