JESS Jumeirah LRC
The Library & Learning Resource Centre at @JESSJumeirah - part of @JESSDubai, a British School located in Dubai, UAE. Educating pupils aged 3 - 11.
ID: 3871240995 05-10-2015 13:10:37
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KEEP CHILDREN READING OVER THE SUMMER HOLIDAYS! Our JESS Jumeirah Summer Reading Challenge begins on 21st June! Lots of prizes to be won. Download your Scavenger Hunt on 21st June from the Communicator. #jessjumenglish #jessliteracy
Who wants to be a Millionaire? JESS Jumeirah it was our annual Millionaires Pizza party for those children in JESS Jumeirah Year 4 JESS Jumeirah Year 6 JESS Jumeirah Year 5 who have read a million words or more this year. Congratulations and Well Done! #JESSJumEnglish
...and more photos of our Word Millionaires JESS Jumeirah with their Pizza and certificates
.JESS Jumeirah students enjoying meeting the authors of Eco-Heroes at their book signing yesterday! Great to see such enthusiasm for this lovely book. Together we can all make a difference! #jessjumenglish #jessjumlibrary #jessjumcommunity #ecoheroesuae
Our excited teams of Year Five and Six pupils who took part in the Chevron Readers Cup competition yesterday as part of the Emirates Airline Festival of Literature! We are all keeping our fingers crossed that you manage to secure a place in the final! EmiratesLitFest JESS Dubai 🇦🇪
The Library at JESS Jumeirah is slowly being taken over by the most fantastic, creative and imaginative robots in preparation for our author visit from Ross Collins! All the children are so excited to meet this wonderful author on Sunday #RobotRumpus EmiratesLitFest JESS Dubai 🇦🇪
Happy #RoaldDahlDay! I wonder what your favourite #RoaldDahl book is? #readingforpleasure JESS Dubai 🇦🇪 #JESSreads
Lots of new books in the Jumeirah library ready to catalogue and be delivered to our eager readers! Just in time to celebrate Libraries Week next week #librariesweek JESS Dubai 🇦🇪
The KS1 children at JESS Jumeirah are very lucky to have so many lovely fiction and non-fiction books to choose from during their Library sessions each week.JESS Dubai 🇦🇪 #LibrariesWeek #readingisfun
We have an author and resident shark expert in our midst at JESS Jumeirah! We are so proud of Kian in Y5 who has written and published a book all about sharks! What a 'fintastic' achievement indeed! We now have a copy in our library for pupils to checkout and enjoy! JESS Dubai 🇦🇪
We have been reading some excellent books by Tom Percival during our KS1 library sessions which promote well being and mental health JESS Dubai 🇦🇪 #MentalHealthAwareness
We are delighted to be cataloguing this wonderful book for our Library written by the very talented Ashley Green, a fantastic teacher here at JESS Jumeirah and now a published author too! The children are going to be so excited #emobeans Ashley Green