Jess Few
Research fellow at UCL Energy Institute (she/her/Dr)
ID: 853535113
29-09-2012 20:11:43
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Applications are open for 6 proposed #PhD #Studentships at UCL Energy Institute across decarbonising heating, energy demand, energy performance, fuel poverty and air travel decarbonisation. See projects in thread below👇
How did #COVIDー19 impact household energy demand in GB? Check out our open access paper in Energy and Buildings for all things covid, energy and #MachineLearning with #smartmeter data In partnership with Frontier Economics National Grid ESO
Researchers in our Building Stock Laboratory lead the new #NationalBuildingDatabase which will provide a unique evidence base to understand UK #buildings and their #energy consumption. Learn more ➡️ Jess Few Dejan Mumovic CatalinaSpataru Paul Ruyssevelt
Our paper on the impact of the #CostOfLivingCrisis on self-reported #energy use is published in Scientific Reports Thermostat settings decreased by 1 deg C; link between #wellbeing & unable to keep warm &afford heating; many ppl turned flow temp of boiler down.
Smaller and newer homes use less energy than larger, older ones, confirms a new report led by Dr Jess Few @serl_uk UCL Energy Institute The Bartlett, offering unique insights into household energy consumption across the country.…