Jeremy Dalton (@jeremydalt123) 's Twitter Profile
Jeremy Dalton


Supporter of FC Fujizakura (Yamanashi) Japanese women's third tier. Japanese womens football fan in general and supporter of all Japanese players in the wsl.

ID: 1576434461557903361

calendar_today02-10-2022 04:51:19

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47 Following

Jeremy Dalton (@jeremydalt123) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hinata Miyazawa high light reel courtesy of Brazil Scout Premium youtube channel - you can see her role for previous clubs was a mainly as a play-maker or winger - a very classy player.…

マイナビ仙台レディース (@mynavisendai) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🔵🟢 ひなた いってらっしゃい🙌 頑張れ🔥🔥🔥🔥 日本に戻ってきたら、スタジアムやクラブハウスに顔だしてな😊 宮澤ひなた #mynavisendai


ひなた いってらっしゃい🙌

<a href="/hinata_1509/">宮澤ひなた</a>
Jeremy Dalton (@jeremydalt123) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Good Wishes from her former team mates at MyNavi Sendai ! They say come and visit next time you are in Japan and pop by the club house!

JFAなでしこサッカー (@jfa_nadeshiko) 's Twitter Profile Photo

\\ピッチレベル映像🎥// #長谷川唯 選手が見事な切り返しで相手DFをかわしてゴール⚽️ Yui Hasegawa/長谷川唯 🏆国際親善試合 🇯🇵#なでしこジャパン 8-0 アルゼンチン女子代表🇦🇷 #BEYOURBESTSELF #最高の自分であれ #夢への勇気を #jfa #daihyo #nadeshiko #サッカー日本代表

FCふじざくら山梨 (@fc_fujizakura) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🌸試合終了のご挨拶🌸 本日はクラブ史上最多観客動員「3225名」の皆さまにお越しいただきました! 小瀬で #ふじざくらの新しい歴史 を皆さまと創り上げることができました! 暑い中、沢山のご声援本当にありがとうございました🙌🏼 #JITリサイクルインクスタジアム #FCふじざくら山梨 #なでしこリーグ

Jeremy Dalton (@jeremydalt123) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Fantastic achievement for FC Fujizakura - They doubled the attendance for the first 8 home games to more than 10,000 -they are in the third tier of womens football - shows what grass roots sport can achieve with community engagement!…

Jeremy Dalton (@jeremydalt123) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Very unusual to allow filming inside a shinto shrine so it is worth watching! JEF Chiba Ladies victory prayer ceremony is shown in the video. Prayers for the season are written on plaques by the players and hung up in the shrine grounds…

Jeremy Dalton (@jeremydalt123) 's Twitter Profile Photo

She is a very good player - surprised though - I never thought she would leave Japan as she is so involved in the Kanazawa recovery programme in her home town

山梨の空|Yamanashi Sky (@next_yamanashi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

地元のサッカーチームを応援する熱量は山梨県がダントツで日本一⚽ヴァンフォーレだけではなく、なでしこリーグ2部のFCふじざくらも小瀬の試合では3,225人を動員📣 山梨のサッカー熱はすごい🔥

Jeremy Dalton (@jeremydalt123) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Despite the heavy rain FC Fujizakura managed to get over 3,000 spectators for the match against Diavo Rosso Hiroshima - Fantastic achievement for a team in the 3rd tier of Japanese womens soccer and a testament to their involvement in the community.

Jeremy Dalton (@jeremydalt123) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Another sad day for Bunnys Gunma FC White Star - they played with one player with a broken nose in a mask - had a player sent off and only had one outfield substitute, a 6-1 loss but at least they scored. They fought hard but it was just too much.

FCふじざくら山梨 (@fc_fujizakura) 's Twitter Profile Photo

/ #ふじざくらプレイバック vol.2🌸 \ 2024プレナス #なでしこリーグ 2部第7節にてクラブ過去最多入場者数「3,225人」を記録✨ サポーターの皆様と共に #ふじざくらの新しい歴史 を刻みました‼️ これからも私達ふじざくらと共に、新たな歴史を創りましょう😤 #GOWITHYOU #FCふじざくら山梨

#ふじざくらプレイバック vol.2🌸
2024プレナス #なでしこリーグ 2部第7節にてクラブ過去最多入場者数「3,225人」を記録✨
サポーターの皆様と共に #ふじざくらの新しい歴史 を刻みました‼️

Jeremy Dalton (@jeremydalt123) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Bunnys Gunma FC White Star got their first win of the season and also had 4 subs available. Much better than the last few games - hope they can pull it together after all.