Jennifer Lee (Lee-Summers), MD
Mom. Professor. Sr Assoc Dean for the Office of Women in Science & Medicine. Asclepius Coaching & Consulting. Anesthesiologist @hopkinsmedicine @SPA_WELI
ID: 836759085034913793
01-03-2017 02:04:47
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Since the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine was founded in 1889 only 349 women have achieved the rank of professor but the pace of promotions has accelerated. Johns Hopkins Medicine we are striving to achieve gender equity. #WomensHistoryMonth…
Congratulations Dr Allison Fernandez on your promotion! Your work is amazing!!! womenofimpactinanesthesiology
Thank you Scott Markowitz, MD (he,him) and Dr Sam Yanofsky for an outstanding Cliftonstrengths WELI workshop. Name it, claim it, and aim it! Lead from our STRENGTHS!!
Such an honor to be part of this podcast series! Johns Hopkins ACCM Johns Hopkins Medicine SPA WELI SPA #OWISM
Congrats to our Johns Hopkins ACCM #PedsAnes & #PedsPain faculty Drs. Jessica George & Joann Hunsberger representing at the ERAS® Society ERAS Pediatrics in 🇵🇹! #WomenWhoLead #ERAS2023
As a former FAER MSARF student, I never expected to get here! Grateful to FAER & The American Board of Anesthesiology's support for my work on confidence gaps. Duke Anesthesiology Madhav Swaminathan Ashley Grantham Harriet Hopf Leah Acker TJ Gan, M.D. Chad M Brummett michael gropper Meghan Lane-Fall, MD, MSHP, FCCM Dr. Steven Shafer
Great mentor to have on the team. Congrats on this incredible accomplishment. Shaun Kunisaki, MD, MSc