NYC. Teaching. Union. Math. Puzzles. #BlackLivesMatter
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http://jd2718.org 04-12-2013 23:17:38
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Not official But Retiree Advocate/UFT has won the #UFT Retired Teachers Chapter election. Arthur Goldstein Marianne Pizzitola MORE-UFT jd2718.org/2024/06/14/retā¦

63%-37% 17,226 to 10,114 Unofficial results. Retiree Advocate has defeated Unity #UnitedFederationofTeachers #RetiredTeachersChapter Retiree Advocate/UFT Arthur Goldstein Marianne Pizzitola MORE-UFT

For months I'd said "Retiree Advocate has a chance, but we are underdogs" (in the United Federation of Teachers Retired Teacher elections) Here's the story of how I began to realize that we'd won MORE-UFT Marianne Pizzitola Retiree Advocate/UFT Arthur Goldstein jd2718.org/2024/06/16/retā¦

Leading up to the Retired Teachers #UFT election, which we (RA) won 63%-37%, I had plenty of evidence that the votes were going our way. The evidence pleased me, but I discounted it Retiree Advocate/UFT MORE-UFT Marianne Pizzitola Arthur Goldstein Read more jd2718.org/2024/06/21/theā¦

If the next UFT election (2025) was just like 2022, but the retirees vote like they just did... what would happen? #UnitedFederationofTeachers UFT Arthur Goldstein Retiree Advocate/UFT MORE-UFT Nick Bacon Gloria Brandman jd2718.org/2024/06/21/retā¦

Why are there dozens of AI centers with enormous power draws operating in NYC? This is a heat/health emergency. Mayor Eric Adams - letās limit or even shut these massive power drains until the emergency passes #HeatEmergency #NYC #NewYorkCity NYC Emergency Management Chris Sommerfeldt

We won the election. The NYCOPSR won the court case. I'm glad Mulgrew backed down, but he should have given us credit #MedicareAdvantage #UFT UFT MORE-UFT Marianne Pizzitola Arthur Goldstein Retiree Advocate/UFT NYC Organization of Public Service Retirees jd2718.org/2024/06/23/wonā¦

300 new RTC Delegates? UFT Welfare Fund's inadequate #dental coverage? - Unity sensed their vulnerability - Retiree Advocate/UFT forced them to move preemptively. Elections have consequences. MORE-UFT Nick Bacon Arthur Goldstein Marianne Pizzitola jd2718.org/2024/09/10/betā¦

United Federation of Teachers wants to know how retirees "give back" Many of us? By combatting the current UFT leadership, trying to protect Retiree Health Care, and trying to alert others. Arthur Goldstein Nick Bacon Retiree Advocate/UFT MORE-UFT jd2718.org/2024/09/13/givā¦

Election numbers might be good for the UFT in Spring - if... MORE-UFT Nick Bacon Retiree Advocate/UFT Arthur Goldstein jd2718.org/2024/09/15/treā¦

Some analysis of how much impact our 300 new Retiree delegates might have. Spoiler: We will probably be 20+% of any given #UFTDelegateAssembly #UnitedFederationofTeachers Arthur Goldstein Nick Bacon Retiree Advocate/UFT MORE-UFT Marianne Pizzitola jd2718.org/2024/09/17/howā¦