Jaylen Scott
|University of West Georgia Football and Track athlete|
ID: 1364345725346320389
http://www.hudl.com/profile/19356093 23-02-2021 22:45:53
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Thrilled to be able to help Rise Against Hunger package tens of thousands of meals tonight with some Panther players & coaches #YeahPanthers | #Excellence

Sad to see BSC coming to a close. Thank you for everything BSC Football Anthony Colucci

Practice film at TE! Number 35. Cartersville FB Recruiting CartersvilleFootball Rusty Mansell NwGa Football

As the season at BSC comes to an end I am beyond blessed for my coaches and teammates who got me where I am today. Finished with 4 All-Conference recognitions. Ready to compete again next year! BSC Athletics

Thankful for this man and all he has done for SAA Sports and his leadership USTFCCCA and NCAA Division III T&F. BSC XC/Track & Field has been lucky to have him the last 16 yrs. He has positively impacted hundreds of lives at BSC. Thank you Coach Kenneth Cox.