Javid Hussain (@javidhussain21) 's Twitter Profile
Javid Hussain


Security Researcher - BugHunter

ID: 153762484

linkhttp://about.me/javidhussain calendar_today09-06-2010 11:30:21

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Binni Shah (@binitamshah) 's Twitter Profile Photo

EMBArk - The firmware security scanning environment : github.com/e-m-b-a/embark EMBA - The security analyzer for embedded device firmware : github.com/e-m-b-a/emba

Florian Hansemann (@cyberwarship) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Windows Kernel Exploitation Tutorial Part 1: Setup rootkits.xyz/blog/2017/06/kā€¦ Part 2: Stack Overflow rootkits.xyz/blog/2017/08/kā€¦ Part 3: Memory Overwrite rootkits.xyz/blog/2017/09/kā€¦ Part 4: Pool Overflow rootkits.xyz/blog/2017/11/kā€¦ Part 5: NULL Pointer Dereference rootkits.xyz/blog/2018/01/kā€¦

Windows Kernel Exploitation Tutorial 

Part 1: Setup

Part 2: Stack Overflow

Part 3: Memory Overwrite

Part 4: Pool Overflow

Part 5: NULL Pointer Dereference
šŸ‡·šŸ‡“ cristi (@cristivlad25) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In my pentests and appsec assessments, if I get stuck, these are two checklists that help me going: 1. by Six2dez: pentestbook.six2dez.com/others/web-cheā€¦ 2. by Tushar Verma šŸ‡®šŸ‡³: alike-lantern-72d.notion.site/Web-Applicatioā€¦ They are very extensive!

rootsecdev (@rootsecdev) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Need some cloud labs to learn from? Here you go. GitHub - iknowjason/Awesome-CloudSec-Labs: Awesome free cloud native security learning labs. Includes CTF, self-hosted workshops, guided vulnerability labs, and research labs. github.com/iknowjason/Aweā€¦

Ivan at Wallarm / API security solution (@d0znpp) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Just in case you missed this. This is probably the most critical API exploit this quarter. ESPv2 allows malicious requests to bypass authentication if both conditions are true: The requested HTTP method isĀ notĀ in the API service dā€¦lnkd.in/eQnsc-85 lnkd.in/eFXc__T4

Mobile Hacker (@androidmalware2) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Free charging station Flipper Zero is connected to Android and recognized as HID device (keyboard) that launches a Rubber Ducky script to download, install, and launch Metasploit payload How this method works and prevent getting hacked is explained here: mobile-hacker.com/2023/08/08/netā€¦