James Wheeley
Sedimentary geologist, @geology_bham, University of Birmingham.
ID: 972749791
26-11-2012 21:26:21
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Great morning with our Palaeo Birmingham students studying the Early Jurassic dinosaur tracks of the Mail Station track site south of Moab.

Dead Horse Point: is there a better view than this anywhere? Time for some field sketches from our Palaeo Birmingham students.

Today our Palaeo Birmingham students got to work with Joshua Lively, PhD on a test dig at a Late Cretaceous mosasaur site, learning excavation skills including plaster jacketing.

Join our free guided tour this Monday, October 2nd! Explore our fossil collection, marvel at our mineral specimens, and discover fascinating facts about the museum's history. For more info: ow.ly/onnc50PK3EY Earth Sciences Bham Uni of Birmingham #LapworthRocks #geology #museum

Just put together this compilation of images for a poster about the Palaeontology Field & Museum Skills module we teach at Earth Sciences Bham Palaeo Birmingham. If you are interested in studying our undergraduate programme in Palaeontology & Geology please get in touch!

Fantastic opportunity to engage people with geology! Join our team as a Learning and Community Development Officer. Apply by 14th April. 🦕🌋 ow.ly/wKqN50R8vq6 #jobs #geologyjobs #museumjobs Uni of Birmingham Arts Council England GEM Jobs School of Museum Studies

iSEE welcomed faculty from Uni of Birmingham this month to discuss #sustainability education initiatives! They also toured the net-zero Illinois ECE building & other University of Illinois highlights. ♻️ An iSEE team will fly to Birmingham in June as part of our ongoing BRIDGE partnership! 🇬🇧

It was fantastic to have you! And thank you for bringing the sunshine too (it’s been raining ever since!). Looking forward to seeing great ideas come to fruition! #sustainability Uni of Birmingham

Join us next Wednesday 7th August for our #FamilyFun Day - Wonders of the Ice Age! 🦣 Show and tell with #IceAge objects 🎨 Arts and crafts 📖 Storytime For more info: ow.ly/e0sw50SvrHS Uni of Birmingham Arts Council England Brummiemummies Family fun in Brum FamiliesCBirmingham

Day 1 of the Palaeo Birmingham Uni of Birmingham College of Life and Environmental Sciences Utah2024 Palaeontology Field Skills trip started with a hike through the spectacular Mesozoic sequence at Dinosaur National Monument.

Day 2 of the @palaeo_bham Uni of Birmingham College of Life and Environmental Sciences Palaeontology Field & Museum Skills field trip saw us visit the amazing Carnegie Quarry at Dinosaur National Monument before heading to Fruita & the spectacular Colorado National Monument.

Day 3 of the @palaeo_bham College of Life and Environmental Sciences Uni of Birmingham field course was spent learning about fossil prospecting at Fruita Paleo Area followed by an excellent tour of Dinosaur Journey with the marvellous Julia McHugh.

Final stop of the @palaeo_bham Uni of Birmingham College of Life and Environmental Sciences Palaeontology Field & Museum Skills trip to Utah: great tour through NHMU collections with Randy Irmis.

That's a wrap on the Palaeo Birmingham Utah fieldtrip 2024. Dino National Monument, Fruita PA, Dino Journey Museum, Cedar Mt ankylosaurs, and today a tour of the Natural History Museum of Utah with Randy Irmis

Enormous thanks to my super colleagues Prof Susie Maidment Prof. Kirsty Edgar James Wheeley & Davide Foffa for making the Utah 2024 field trip so successful, as well as Joshua Lively, PhD Julia McHugh & Randy Irmis for their huge help along the way.