Jaime Perales Puchalt (Jaume) (@jaimeperalespu) 's Twitter Profile
Jaime Perales Puchalt (Jaume)


Assist. Prof; Dir. Perales-Puchalt Lab at KU ADRC; Public health & Psychology. Latino/x & dementia care research. Opinions=my own. Valencià 🦇 He/Him

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Jaime Perales Puchalt (Jaume) (@jaimeperalespu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A Scoping Review to Contribute to Knowledge About Culturally Adapting Interventions for Latino Family Caregivers of Persons Living With Dementia. journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.11…

UTMB Provost's Office (@utmbprovost) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Congratulations to Dr. Phillip Cantu on a new 5-year mentored research scientist development grant from The National Institute on Aging (NIA) for "Informant Measures Of Cognitive Decline In Mexico." Dr. Cantu is an Assistant Professor with the Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Geriatrics.

Congratulations to Dr. Phillip Cantu on a new 5-year mentored research scientist development grant from <a href="/NIHAging/">The National Institute on Aging (NIA)</a> for "Informant Measures Of Cognitive Decline In Mexico." Dr. Cantu is an Assistant Professor with the Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Geriatrics.
Melissa Flores (@flores_socsci) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🎓🌟 Recruiting a doctoral student in clinical psychology at @UofA for Fall 2025! 🔍 Interested in Latinx health & data/stats? Let's chat! DM me or visit 👉🏼psychology.arizona.edu/person/melissa… #phdlife #AcademicTwitter #clinicalpsychology

Jaime Perales Puchalt (Jaume) (@jaimeperalespu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

If you're eligible to be a reviewer for the NIH, they're looking for reviewers of SBIR and STTR for the Nov 14 and 15 review panel. Disease conditions covered IDDs, adult psychopathology, cognition, communication, and neurological diseases. Interested? PM me.

GeriatricArea (@geriatricarea) 's Twitter Profile Photo

La Agencia Europea de Medicamentos emite un dictamen negativo a la solicitud de Eisai para la comercialización de #lecanemab para el tratamiento del #Alzheimer precoz, decisión que se lamenta desde CEAFA - geriatricarea.com/2024/08/05/eur… - GeriatricArea

Alzheimer's Association, Northern CA & Northern NV (@alznorcalnornev) 's Twitter Profile Photo

EAST BAY: Join our Annual African American Alzheimer's Forum: Breaking Down Barriers on 9.14. Experts will discuss access to care & treatment pipelines along with local clinical trials. Thanks to our Bay Area Alzheimer's Advisory Council. Free to register: tinyurl.com/AlzAAForum2024

EAST BAY: Join our Annual African American Alzheimer's Forum: Breaking Down Barriers on 9.14. Experts will discuss access to care &amp; treatment pipelines along with local clinical trials. Thanks to our Bay Area Alzheimer's Advisory Council. Free to register: tinyurl.com/AlzAAForum2024
SciencesNetwork (@sciencesnetwork) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Validation of dementia care-related scales among informal caregivers of Latinos with dementia or mild cognitive impairment medrxiv.org/content/10.110…

European Observatory on Health Systems & Policies (@obshealth) 's Twitter Profile Photo

💡Save the date: Learning from Health Systems Analysis 📅16 Sep 13h30 Join us online or in Madrid for the latest findings from the Spanish health system, including the launch of a new 🇪🇸 HiT. Register tinyurl.com/Sanidad16Sept Ministerio de Sanidad European Commission EU One Health WHO/Europe

💡Save the date: Learning from Health Systems Analysis

📅16 Sep 13h30

Join us online or in Madrid for the latest findings from the Spanish health system, including the launch of a new 🇪🇸 HiT.

Register tinyurl.com/Sanidad16Sept

<a href="/sanidadgob/">Ministerio de Sanidad</a> <a href="/EU_Commission/">European Commission</a> <a href="/EU_Health/">EU One Health</a>  <a href="/WHO_Europe/">WHO/Europe</a>
Jaime Perales Puchalt (Jaume) (@jaimeperalespu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Experiences managing behavioral symptoms among Latino caregivers of Latino older adults with dementia and memory problems: a qualitative study bmcgeriatr.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.11…

Jaime Perales Puchalt (Jaume) (@jaimeperalespu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Juntos: An Intervention to Improve End of Life Care for Latino Alzheimer's Patients in San Joaquin County. proquest.com/openview/f594f…

Jaime Perales Puchalt (Jaume) (@jaimeperalespu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Recruiting a prospective community cohort to study Alzheimer's disease and structural and social determinants of health among adults racialized as Black: The ARCHES cohort. alz-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/tr…

Everything Georgia (@gafollowers) 's Twitter Profile Photo

RIP to the 4 victims who tragically lost their lives today in the Apalachee High School shooting. As pictured: 1. Richard Aspinwall (math teacher) 2. Mason Schermerhorn (14y/o student) 3. Christian Angulo (14y/o student) 4. Christina Irimie (math teacher)

RIP to the 4 victims who tragically lost their lives today in the Apalachee High School shooting. As pictured:

1. Richard Aspinwall (math teacher)
2. Mason Schermerhorn (14y/o student)
3. Christian Angulo (14y/o student)
4. Christina Irimie (math teacher)
Yakeel T. Quiroz, PhD (she/her) (@ytquiroz) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📢 I'll be mentoring a PhD student through Boston University's Clinical Psych program in the upcoming cycle! 👩‍🎓🎓Candidates with interests in clinical research, multicultural neuropsych & aging are encouraged to apply!🧠 Bilingual skills in Spanish or Portuguese are a plus🌟

Anny Reyes, PhD (@annyreyesneuro) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Excited to announce that I was nominated for the INS Early Career Member-at-Large Election Slate. I look forward to the potential opportunity to expand INS's global efforts in inclusion, research, and education/training. KnowNeuropsychology CulturalNP IMPACT Epilepsy

Excited to announce that I was nominated for the <a href="/INSneuro/">INS</a> Early Career Member-at-Large Election Slate. I look forward to the potential opportunity to expand INS's global efforts in inclusion, research, and education/training. <a href="/KnowNeuropsych/">KnowNeuropsychology</a> <a href="/CulturalNp/">CulturalNP</a> <a href="/IMPACTEpilepsy/">IMPACT Epilepsy</a>
Jaime Perales Puchalt (Jaume) (@jaimeperalespu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Doing a systematic review Guidance on the steps involved in doing a systematic review, and ways in which the Library can help. libguides.reading.ac.uk/systematic-rev…