Jafar Uruç (@jafaruruc) 's Twitter Profile
Jafar Uruç


1x.engineer | Previously at a Robot Learning Lab with @StepjamUK | Roboticist 🤖 | Tea addict ☕️☕️ | Cafer/جعفر

🐘 @[email protected]

ID: 951022703372365824

linkhttps://github.com/JafarAbdi calendar_today10-01-2018 09:27:36

294 Tweet


1,1K Following

Google DeepMind (@googledeepmind) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Introducing 2️⃣ new AI systems for robotics: 🤖 ALOHA Unleashed to perform two-armed manipulation tasks 🦾 DemoStart to control a multi-fingered robotic hand They learned to tackle a range of actions requiring dexterity. Here's how. 🧵 dpmd.ai/3MI2mkT

Mohit Shridhar (@mohito1905) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Wrote a blogpost on using image and video diffusion models to "draw actions" Summary: - LLMs can model arbitrary sequences, diffusion models can generate arbitrary patterns - Images can serve as a common format across modalities like vision, audio, actions Link below

Wrote a blogpost on using image and video diffusion models to "draw actions"

- LLMs can model arbitrary sequences, diffusion models can generate arbitrary patterns
- Images can serve as a common format across modalities like vision, audio, actions

Link below
Jafar Uruç (@jafaruruc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

After 42 years of the massacre that took place in Hama, and a few others since 2011. Hama is free now from Assad regime ❤️❤️

Kenan Rahmani كنان 🌻 🇺🇦 🇻🇪 (@kenanrahmani) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Saydnaya. The human slaughterhouse. Where thousands of Syrians were tortured, raped, and executed—en masse. Today is the last day any Syrian will remain trapped in its horrific dungeons.

Saydnaya. The human slaughterhouse. Where thousands of Syrians were tortured, raped, and executed—en masse.

Today is the last day any Syrian will remain trapped in its horrific dungeons.
تلفزيون سوريا (@syr_television) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#عاجل | بدء خروج مئات المعتقلين من سجن #صيدنايا #تلفزيون_سوريا #ردع_العدوان #فجر_الحرية

Süleyman Soylu (@suleymansoylu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Türk milleti büyük bir sınavdan geçti. İnsanlık, kardeşlik ve komşuluk sınavından başarıyla çıktı. Tarihin büyük zulmünün yol açtığı göçte, tüm tahriklere ve kötülüklere rağmen, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’ın dirayeti ve milletimizin asaleti sayesinde gelecek nesillerimize yüz akı bir

Levent Kemal (@leventkemai) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Birileri buralarda televizyonlarda bitti Esed kazandı dediğinde itiraz ediyorduk. Şimdi görüyoruz kimin kazandığını. Tüm devrimcilere ve emeği geçen gizli kahramanlara selam olsun!

Ragıp Soylu (@ragipsoylutr) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Siz yedi sülaleme sövdünüz diye görüşümden geri dönecek halim yok. Suriyelilerin dönmesinin ekonomik sonuçları da olacak. Bu basit bir analiz. Bu “Suriyeliler dönmesin” demek manasına da gelmiyor. Ama öyle anlamaya devam edin. Size okuma yazma öğretmekle uğraşamayacağım