jaden biggers
ID: 1286803118479548417
24-07-2020 23:19:20
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Griffin Elite Bordas 75 Cenla Dynasty 65 Good team win against a super athletic tough team! jay rose 23pt 8reb Eric Hackett 22pt 6reb 5ast jaden biggers 11pt 12reb Ethan Cooper 5pt 4ast Mattox Hadley 4pt Cobi Commodore 5reb 3ast 🔒 D Cayden Lancaster 4pt Owen Trump 6pt

#PrepHoopsLiveATL Day 2 Standouts jaden biggers - @GriffinBordas23 Antonio Lewis - Gold Starz Sterling Hoarde Zach Close - Minnesota Fury Hayes Termaine Fulton Jr Daquis Brown - OTP Hoops Prep Hoops Circuit 🏀: prephoops.com/2022/07/prepho…

GriffinEliteBordas 71 IndianaEliteNow 61 Great win. 2-0 and won our pool! jay rose 12pt Eric Hackett 18pt jaden biggers 12pt 7reb Ethan Cooper 4pt 9reb Cobi Commodore 1pt 6reb 2ast Mattox Hadley 4pt 5reb Cayden Lancaster 11pt 7reb Konlin Brown 3pt 3ast Owen Trump 6pt

Lost a tough one, 44-43, to really good Massage coordinator inside the kingdom team. Had chances and couldn’t seal the deal. Great game! Konlin Brown 8pt Owen Trump 8pt jaden biggers 7pt 7reb jay rose 7pt Eric Hackett 4pt Ethan Cooper 5pt Cobi Commodore 4reb Mattox Hadley 4pt @caydenlancaster 3reb

2023 Rankings: Top Post Players Trent Edwards🤍 Robby Todd Crew Gibson Caleb Brooks jaden biggers Sam christian collins Jakob Fredricksen David Pfeifer prephoops.com/2022/10/2023-r…

2023 F Jaden Biggers jaden biggers had 17 points and 21 rebounds in a loss to Tates Creek. Monster inside tonight! Griffin Elite AAU

Happy to announce my commitment to attend Berea College & play for Coach Austin Newton ! I’m blessed to take my game to the next level & receive a Free education! #OneBlood

THIS is what it’s all about! All the road trips, all the hours in the gym. I’m so proud and so happy for you JB jaden biggers

After a great conversation with Sean Dugan, I am excited to announce that I have received my 5th division 1 offer from Austin Peay

Blessed to have received my first D1 offer to play Golf for Tennessee State University! Tennessee State Golf

Thanks to all the coaches who helped me along the way and Coach Cornett for giving me the opportunity ALC Mens Basketball Alice Lloyd College

I am thrilled to announce my commitment to attend Berea College & play for Coach Austin Newton ! I’m blessed to take my game to the next level & receive a FREE education! GO Berea College Men's Basketball🤍 I want to thank my family, friends, teammates and coaches for supporting me.

FREE EDUCATION! It’s always been the goal. And you accomplished the goal JB jaden biggers You knew your Griffin Elite AAU Fam would show up to support. We love ya!

Our guys Cobi Commodore and Eric Hackett are signing Thursday, and just like that ALL our guys are locked in for college with academic and/or athletic scholarships. So proud of all our Griffin Elite Bordas 2023 Class Griffin Elite AAU 💪🏽 Oh, and jay rose (2024) YOU ARE NEXT

After a great camp and conversation with Craig Foley 🏈 and Felton Huggins Jr. I’m blessed to receive my first offer from Kentucky State University Football #AGTG🙏🏽