jack Sykes
Executive Development Chef at pabulum.Currently loving the challenges set out ahead of us, but is still focussed on made fresh every day from local British food
ID: 971834988
http://pabulum-catering.co.uk 26-11-2012 12:07:52
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Searching for a new Development Chef London area Group or large multi site experience req #foodie #caterer# education Pabulum-Catering

Shout out to the #CGCAwards Development Chef finalists Diane Camp jack Sykes Clive Goudercourt & dan kelly

Excited it is the Craft Guild of Chefs Awards tonight with Nicola Proud & jack Sykes #CGCawards

Looking forward to an exciting day at Meet 2016 Pabulum-Catering #everyonecounts

Troika Recruitment Thank you very much #FSCateys

Thrilled to have been shortlisted for the craft guild awards Pabulum-Catering x.com/Craft_Guild/st…

In Public Sector is Jamie Gibbs - ESS Defence, jack Sykes Pabulum-Catering, Lisa Normanton - Hinchingbrooke Health Care #GCAwards

Four hand hygiene failures that could make your office sick bit.ly/2zaPlZb via Cleaning Matters @Cleantec_ #Global Handwashing Day