Jackie Kay
AI Sociotechbro/woke scientist.
ML PhD student @UCL, RE @Deepmind. they/them
Opinions are my own and do not reflect my employer's.
ID: 148944081
28-05-2010 00:59:31
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We are proud to partner with African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) to launch a new AI for Science Masters programme in Africa. 🎓 The initiative aims to give talented students: 🔵 University scholarships 🔵 Equipment and compute 🔵 Career mentoring Find out more: dpmd.ai/dm-education

Congrats to the authors of A Generalist Agent (i.e., the Gato paper, openreview.net/forum?id=1ikK0…) for receiving Transactions on Machine Learning Research's first Outstanding Certification (Best Paper Award)! @DeepMind Blog post from me & the rest of the outstanding paper selection committee: medium.com/@TmlrOrg/3a283…

it was Jackie Kay that really taught me that there are multiple possible futures that collapse into the past

In our new paper co-authored by Jackie Kay and Shakir Mohamed, we investigate how generative AI can undermine the integrity of collective knowledge & propose strategies for resistance and system design: ojs.aaai.org/index.php/AIES… AI, Ethics, and Society Conference (AIES) #aies2024