William Pett
Head of Policy, Public Affairs & Research at Healthwatch England (@HealthwatchE). Views my own.
ID: 771873907
21-08-2012 17:02:55
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Many people complain about the NHS being too centralised, with too many layers of approval and process. The good news is I think we can do something about it. Glad to return to Twitter with a piece kindly hosted by the Nuffield Trust.
Are you looking for a new research role? At Healthwatch England we're looking for a new Senior Research Analyst. You will lead research on what matters to people using health & care services, helping us to deliver real impact on reform. Get in touch for a chat! cqc.csod.com/ux/ats/careers…
Welcome BBC piece this AM on ADHD by catherine burns, feat Thea Stein Healthwatch England has outlined impact of long waits for diagnosis, lack of support while waiting, impact for children on school & medication delays. We are supporting new ADHD taskforce healthwatch.co.uk/blog/2023-12-1…
Have loved being part of the launch of NHS England’s new #cancercollab programme this morning. Exactly what we should be doing more of - bringing together staff and patients to work together on local solutions to improve patient experience 💪
Just seen that Jacob Lant and friends at National Voices have launched their new strategy. Really welcome the three aims, which Healthwatch England and I look forward to working with you on!
Proud of Healthwatch England research published today - coverage across TV, radio & print. Public wants more services from pharmacies but closures causing real disruption Thread by Sebastian Rees on our findings/recommendations below & coverage by Denis Campbell theguardian.com/society/2024/s…
I've enjoyed working with friends at Understanding Patient Data on materials to help explain how patient data is collected & used across the NHS. We know that as public understanding increases, so too do levels of agreement to share patient data for research that helps others
Timely blog by friends at The King's Fund on the importance of good admin. We hear the patient stories of complex, nightmarish admin systems - rather than red tape to cut we need to see better admin as essential to restoring public confidence Dan Wellings Jacob Lant Sarah Woolnough
Jacob Lant Sarah Woolnough William Pett Andrew McCracken Admin makes a difference! From red tape to green: admin that works for everyone | The King's Fund (kingsfund.org.uk)
Looking at terms Department of Health and Social Care review of 'patient safety' regulators ToR: really pleased to see collection of ‘people’s experience’ feedback, and how this could be more effectively channelled and used as basis for assessment and improvement has been included gov.uk/government/pub…
Great event this morning The King's Fund - lots to ponder but was really struck by simplicity (and power) and of Dame Una O’Brien’s remark on the value of tackling “day to day dysfunction” (gear, comms, processes) which frustrates patients no end and is a massive drag on NHS staff
Important reflections from @thekingsfund and Healthwatch England shared at our Vision one-year-on reception. Many thanks to Sarah Woolnough and William Pett for sharing the following messages on the future of community pharmacy. 📺Watch here👇 #CommunityPharmacy #PharmaciesOfTomorrow
A pleasure to have Baroness Merron at today’s Healthwatch Conference emphasise patient voice at the heart of the 10YP. Grounding remarks from Cheryl Tackie (“patients don’t speak in jargon & acronyms”) & Sarah Woolnough (“listening to patients easy to say, hard to do”) Healthwatch England
This is great! An infographic that sets out so many of the solutions that Healthwatch England is pressing for to make services easier for people to navigate. Real momentum growing behind the drive to improve admin Jacob Lant Dan Wellings Rachel Power