Network for Transdisciplinary Research, @academies_ch
A 20-year success story!
#interdisciplinarity #transdisciplinarity #coproduction, #tdprojects #tdmethods
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http://www.transdisciplinarity.ch 29-08-2017 12:24:10
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Verlässlichkeit, Redlichkeit, Respekt und Verantwortung bilden die Grundprinzipien der wissenschaftlichen #Integrität. Entdecken Sie, wie die Hochschulen den #Kodex von swissuniversities, den Akademien der Wissenschaften Schweiz, Innosuisse und Schweizerischer Nationalfonds (SNF) umsetzen: swissuniversities.ch/aktuell/berich…

Please register 5 days in advance to the workshop you want to attend. The first two workshops start soon. >kfpe.scnat.ch/de/annual_conf… Swissnex in India NORRAG The SDG Academy SCNAT Akademien der Wissenschaften Schweiz EADI Swiss National Science Foundation Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) Isabel Guenther ETH for Development swissuniversities Swiss TPH Global Young Academy

Interested in #decolonisation? Check out i2insights.org/tag/decolonisa…, especially this great new i2Insights contribution from Alemu Tesfaye Alemu Tesfaye i2insights.org/2024/05/07/dec…. He asks: Are we on a realistic journey towards change, or chasing an idealistic endeavor? #I2Sresources

Interested in #teamwork? Check out i2insights.org/category/main-… especially this great revisited method for managing expectations, maximising cohesion plus sharing of expertise & resources across subprojects in #transdisciplinary & other research i2insights.org/2021/08/10/giv… Flurina Schneider

🔎Was soll, darf, will und kann ich mit #Daten machen? Und was nicht? Am 20.8, 13:15-14:00 diskutieren wir bei #SciNoon mit den Autor:innen der Data-Literacy-Charta Schweiz und beantworten genau diese Fragen. 👉Anmeldung: go.akademien-schweiz.ch/scienceafterno… 👉Charta: go.akademien-schweiz.ch/data-literacy-…

KFPE for Research Partnerships is happy to wellcome EPFL tech4dev as new associated member. Tech4Dev is an acceleration program for research and innovation, fostering equitable partnerships between the scientific community, NGOs and local stakeholder. Discover EPFL Tech4Dev: epfl.ch/innovation/dom…

Interested in #decolonisation of research? Check out i2insights.org/tag/decolonisa…, especially this new contribution by Alemu Tesfaye on decolonisation of scientific knowledge at i2insights.org/2024/07/02/dec… #I2Sresources Maru Mormina Crystal Tremblay

Discover the amazing work compiled by our colleague Frédéric Darbellay ! Many contributors from the wide td-net Akademien der Wissenschaften Schweiz, and ITD Alliance networks, including our td-net Toolbox team, have played a role in bringing this to life.

What are the guiding questions for toolkit developers and curators? The ITD Alliance working group on toolkits and methods reflected on this question. Read the open access paper:

ITD Alliance top-news The August newsletter brings news from the Alliance Leadership Board, working groups and other projects. And, of course, an update on the ITD24 conference in Utercht. ITD Alliance Gabriele Bammer 👇 itd-alliance.org/wp-content/upl…

Some Indigenous and non-Indigenous researchers are now working to draw up ethical frameworks for such research. “When you know better, you do better,” Alyssa Crittenden says... EADI Global Young Academy Swiss National Science Foundation Matthias Egger Thomas Gass Thomas Breu Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) nature.com/immersive/d415…