SWITCH (@switch_ch) 's Twitter Profile


Working on behalf of the education, research and innovation community, SWITCH is committed to the digital future of Switzerland.

ID: 179483317

linkhttp://www.switch.ch calendar_today17-08-2010 12:00:31

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ALPEIN Software SWISS AG (@alpeinsoftswiss) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Unser Team, bestehend aus den Mitarbeitern der Schweizer und der Deutschen Niederlassung, hat an der von SWITCH organisierten Security Awareness Experience "Hack the Hacker" teilgenommen. #CyberSecurityAwareness #Cybersicherheit #Cybersecurity switch.ch/de/security/se…

Unser Team, bestehend aus den Mitarbeitern der Schweizer und der Deutschen Niederlassung, hat an der von <a href="/SWITCH_ch/">SWITCH</a> organisierten Security Awareness Experience "Hack the Hacker" teilgenommen.
#CyberSecurityAwareness #Cybersicherheit #Cybersecurity
Security Awareness Insider Podcast (@secawareinsider) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Ihr habt euch schon immer gefragt, was Katja Dörlemann neben dem Podcast eigentlich alles so macht? In der 29. Folge des Podcast gibt sie Insights und wir schwelgen in Erinnerungen wie alles begann... 🎧 bit.ly/3U0rR3S #securityawareness #security

SWITCH (@switch_ch) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hacked traffic light systems – pure fiction? Large-scale hacking in IT is nothing new. But have you ever imagined the damage that could be caused by hacked lift control systems, traffic lights or dams? Martin Scheu reports in his new column: swit.ch/gakic

Hacked traffic light systems – pure fiction?
Large-scale hacking in IT is nothing new. But have you ever imagined the damage that could be caused by hacked lift control systems, traffic lights or dams?
<a href="/martin_scheu/">Martin Scheu</a> reports in his new column: swit.ch/gakic
swissICT (@swissict) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Der Digital Economy Award findet am 16. November 2023 statt. Haben Sie ein innovatives digitales Produkt oder Projekt entwickelt, dass Sie der Welt präsentieren möchten? Dann bewerben Sie sich bis zum 31. Mai 2023. Wir unterstützen Sie gerne: digitaleconomyaward.ch/de/Application…

Der Digital Economy Award findet am 16. November 2023 statt.

Haben Sie ein innovatives digitales Produkt oder Projekt entwickelt, dass Sie der Welt präsentieren möchten? 

Dann bewerben Sie sich bis zum 31. Mai 2023. 

Wir unterstützen Sie gerne: digitaleconomyaward.ch/de/Application…
Security Awareness Insider Podcast (@secawareinsider) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"Ich möchte Leben gestalten und nicht nur ein Produkt", sagt Anne Krueger vom Fraunhofer IAO im neuen Podcast von und mit Marcus Beyer mbeyer.bsky.social (Swisscom ) und Katja Dörlemann (SWITCH ) 🎧: bit.ly/40LiN4l #talkingaboutsecurityawareness #securityawareness

SWITCH (@switch_ch) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📣 MARK YOUR CALENDER: on 26.10.2023, the Swiss Security Awareness Day will be back in Casino Bern for the 6th time! Together with our new partner #iBarry, we will host experts and professionals dealing with the human factor in security – Be part of it: See you there in October.

📣 MARK YOUR CALENDER: on 26.10.2023, the Swiss Security Awareness Day will be back in Casino Bern for the 6th time! Together with our new partner #iBarry, we will host experts and professionals dealing with the human factor in security – Be part of it: See you there in October.
SWITCH (@switch_ch) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🚩 SWITCH opens site in western Switzerland! SWITCH moved into its new premises in western Switzerland on 2 May 2023. The foundation is opening offices for up to 15 employees at the EPFL Innovation Park. Read the whole article: swit.ch/newsite

🚩  SWITCH opens site in western Switzerland!

SWITCH moved into its new premises in western Switzerland on 2 May 2023. The foundation is opening offices for up to 15 employees at the EPFL Innovation Park.
Read the whole article: swit.ch/newsite
SWITCH (@switch_ch) 's Twitter Profile Photo

DNSSEC is a fundamental security technology for a #saferinternet. By 1st May 2023, 47.7% of .ch domain names had been signed with #DNSSEC. Our target is to achieve a share of 60% by 2026. Thank you to all registrars and hosters for supporting our goal. swit.ch/2cr0v

DNSSEC is a fundamental security technology for a #saferinternet.
By 1st May 2023, 47.7% of .ch domain names had been signed with #DNSSEC.
Our target is to achieve a share of 60% by 2026.
Thank you to all registrars and hosters for supporting our goal. 
SWITCH (@switch_ch) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📢 Save the date! Swiss Websecurity Day will take place on 17 October. We will provide you with inspiring insights, best practices and meaningful discussions on current security, technical, legal and regulatory issues. Registration will be open in Summer: swsd2023.events.switch.ch

📢 Save the date!
Swiss Websecurity Day will take place on 17 October.
We will provide you with inspiring insights, best practices and meaningful discussions on current security, technical, legal and regulatory issues.
Registration will be open in Summer: swsd2023.events.switch.ch
SWITCH (@switch_ch) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Great news! Our Security Awareness Expert Katja Dörlemann of SWITCH-CERT was unanimously elected as the new president of SISA - Swiss Internet Security Alliance. We fully support SISA's ambitious goal of making Switzerland the safest internet country in the world. #InternetSecurity #SISA #iBarry

Great news! Our Security Awareness Expert <a href="/katdoerl/">Katja Dörlemann</a> of <a href="/switchcert/">SWITCH-CERT</a> was unanimously elected as the new president of <a href="/swiss_isa/">SISA - Swiss Internet Security Alliance</a>. We fully support SISA's ambitious goal of making Switzerland the safest internet country in the world. #InternetSecurity #SISA #iBarry
SWITCH (@switch_ch) 's Twitter Profile Photo

👏 60 High schools and vocational schools now use SWITCH edu-ID for their electronic services! This grants a total of 60,000 upper-secondary level students and their teachers access to a comprehensive collection of e-media. Read the whole article here: swit.ch/eduIDnews

👏 60 High schools and vocational schools now use SWITCH edu-ID for their electronic services! This grants a total of 60,000 upper-secondary level students and their teachers access to a comprehensive collection of e-media.
Read the whole article here: swit.ch/eduIDnews
Educa (@educach_de) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Wie bauen Blockchain-Technologien digitale Vertrauensbeziehungen auf? Dieser Frage geht Christoph Graf, SWITCH, an der Fachtagung #Educa23 am 21.6.2023 nach. Mehr dazu: ow.ly/GZVU50Ol89R

Wie bauen Blockchain-Technologien digitale Vertrauensbeziehungen auf? Dieser Frage geht Christoph Graf, <a href="/SWITCH_ch/">SWITCH</a>, an der Fachtagung #Educa23 am 21.6.2023 nach. Mehr dazu: ow.ly/GZVU50Ol89R
SWITCH (@switch_ch) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Register now for the Tech4Trust Wallis Roadshow that will take place on 24 May 2023 in Sion. Learn more about digital security challenges and solutions for SMEs. trustvalley.swiss/events/tech4tr…

Register now for the Tech4Trust Wallis Roadshow that will take place on 24 May 2023 in Sion. Learn more about digital security challenges and solutions for SMEs. trustvalley.swiss/events/tech4tr…
SWITCH (@switch_ch) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Together with swissuniversities, SWITCH cultivates an active community on the topic of procurement. It thrives on the exchange of ideas among its members. The SWITCHprocure working group recently met in Zurich and Lausanne to build bridges between the universities and SWITCH.

Together with <a href="/CH_universities/">swissuniversities</a>, SWITCH cultivates an active community on the topic of procurement. It thrives on the exchange of ideas among its members. The SWITCHprocure working group recently met in Zurich and Lausanne to build bridges between the universities and SWITCH.
SWITCH (@switch_ch) 's Twitter Profile Photo

GPTs - the saviours of cyber security? In the future, everything will supposedly be much simpler and more secure – but is it really getting better? Read the whole story here: swit.ch/GPTs #cybersecurity #chatgpt

GPTs - the saviours of cyber security? In the future, everything will supposedly be much simpler and more secure – but is it really getting better? Read the whole story here: swit.ch/GPTs
#cybersecurity #chatgpt
SWITCH (@switch_ch) 's Twitter Profile Photo

SWITCH is proud to have Fabio Greiner participate in the Future Talent Programme 16. At this week's #TNC23 Fabio will talk about the collaboration of internal communications and security awareness and explain why security needs an interdisciplinary approach.

SWITCH (@switch_ch) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Nur wer weiss, welche Gefahren lauern, kann diesen effektiv entgegentreten. Unsere #Security #Awareness Expertin Katja Dörlemann weiss, was im Mai die Schweizer Bedrohungslandschaft prägte. Sie verrät im Interview, wie man sich davor schützt. swit.ch/rogueads #SocialEngineering

Nur wer weiss, welche Gefahren lauern, kann diesen effektiv entgegentreten. Unsere #Security #Awareness Expertin <a href="/katdoerl/">Katja Dörlemann</a> weiss, was im Mai die Schweizer Bedrohungslandschaft prägte. Sie verrät im Interview, wie man sich davor schützt.
Paloma Marín-Arraiza (@pmarrai) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Fabio Greiner from SWITCH highlights the importance for cybersecurity tech professionals to exchange with communication departments or for team to approach #cybersecurity from an interdisciplinary point of view (as it deserves).

Fabio Greiner from <a href="/SWITCH_ch/">SWITCH</a> highlights the importance for cybersecurity tech professionals to exchange with communication departments or for team to approach #cybersecurity from an interdisciplinary point of view (as it deserves).
SWITCH (@switch_ch) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🏆🇨🇭To all University staff: Nominate Your Digital Talents Now🇨🇭🏆 We are looking for the ‘NextGen Hero’ of the Year. Nominate young talents now who will play an outstanding role in shaping Switzerland’s digital future. switch.ch/stories/wanted… #digital #future #award swissICT

🏆🇨🇭To all University staff: Nominate Your Digital Talents Now🇨🇭🏆
We are looking for the ‘NextGen Hero’ of the Year.
Nominate young talents now who will play an outstanding role in shaping Switzerland’s digital future.
#digital #future #award <a href="/swissICT/">swissICT</a>
SWITCH (@switch_ch) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The SWITCH annual report 2022 has just been published. The Foundation actively continued its transformation and customers benefited from many new products. swit.ch/reports/ #annualreport2022 #transformation

The SWITCH annual report 2022 has just been published. The Foundation actively continued its transformation and customers benefited from many new products. swit.ch/reports/ #annualreport2022 #transformation