Christine Sprunger
Associate Professor of Soil Health at Michigan State University based at the W.K. Kellogg Biological Station
ID: 2400168091
http://www.sprungerlab.com 20-03-2014 16:55:07
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Go more in depth with this #OpenAccess study published in #SSSAJ by Naasko and colleagues doi.org/10.1002/saj2.2… Kellogg Biological Station LTER Christine Sprunger MSU Plant Resilience Institute MSU-PSM Department

From the McMurdo Long Term Ecological Research site Facebook page: "We at the MCM are absolutely devastated to have to pass the news on that our close friend and colleague, Diana Wall Diana Wall passed away on March 26." #Antarctica #Astrobiology #ecology #LTER

New report in CSA News from the Christine Sprunger Lab and Kellogg Biological Station LTER shows how soil protein is a key indicator of soil health and nitrogen management canr.msu.edu/news/new-publi…

Congratulations to Christine Sprunger for her new grant to explore how regenerative ag practices enhance soil health & yield stability, evaluate the relationship between soil health & greenhouse gas emissions, & identify factors influencing farmer adoption of climate-smart practices!

Not surprised, but incredibly proud of Christine Sprunger!! What a great pick from ESA 😊

This time of year we can see clear differences between the Kellogg Biological Station LTAR tilled plots and the regeneratively managed plots with year round living roots. The yellowish plots are winter canola at peak flower! Thanks Ruben Ulbrich Basso Lab MSU for the great picture.

Available on the Kellogg Biological Station LTER website, a new conservation tool helps farmers determine whether marginally productive areas—often field borders, low-lying areas or cumbersome extensions of fields—may cost more to put into production than to restore to prairie. canr.msu.edu/news/multidisc…

I am excited to announce that I will be starting as an Assistant Professor this fall at Michigan State University in the Dept of Horticulture and as core faculty in EEB at MSU! I'm now seeking a postdoc passionate about farming for biodiversity and people!

Congratulations to PRI faculty member Christine Sprunger for her promotion to MSU-PSM Department Associate Professor and to PRI Associate Director David Lowry for his promotion to full Professor of Plant Biology!

The MSU Plant Resilience Institute is excited to announce the hiring of Dr. Andrea Glassmire as an Assistant Professor! Dr. Glassmire will hold joint appointments in the departments of Plant Biology and MSU Entomology. Read the full story here: plantresilience.msu.edu/pri-news/pri-w…