Sparrows Nest
A local non-profit that aims to serve homemade food to families who have been diagnosed with cancer
ID: 2349177974
http://www.sparrowsnestcharity.org 17-02-2014 22:51:45
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Taylor Swift faces the same fears as many of our kids at Sparrows Nest #sparrowsnestcharity #TaylorSwift #staystrong #protectthenest #momsanddadswithcancer #werunforthosewhocant #localgrassrootscharity @sparrowsnestcharity.org cnn.com/2020/01/21/ent…

Sparrows Nest and their donors make dreams come true for families that face a cancer diagnosis in the #hudsonvalley. Here’s two young ladies at a meet and greet with Shawn Mendes!!

Weekend morning fuel for the kids. Sparrows Nest adds comfort to our weekends as well!! This simple tray of food brings normalcy to a crazed new routine for our sick families 🙏🏻😷 🍳🍌

Mark your calendars!! Sparrows’s Nest Dress Down Day is coming. March 27th! We have over 2 dozen school districts participating this year! #2020 Teachers....Contact Jean Marie [email protected] Businesses... contact Tina Kitson [email protected]

Local charities are taking a hard hit due to the pandemic. We need star power to help raise money to keep our NY families fed! Please consider donating and support our young families fighting a cancer diagnosis! John Krasinski Hilarie Burton Morgan Jason Aldean Hoda Kotb #HudsonValley

Another beautiful day here at AHS. Great win Coach Morano! Excellent job Arlington HS Cheer! Some exciting baton twirling at halftime! And, a fall fest for our students pregame sponsored by the AHS Student Gov. Oh, and it was the pink out game for Sparrows Nest. Go Admirals!