#UPSC syllabus is vast and thus mnemonics help in remembering important facts.
We have compiled a list of highly important mnemonics for you.
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4- Factors Affecting Location of Industries
A- Availability of Raw Materials,
B- Better Communication and Transport,
A- Availability of Cheap Labor,
D- Dense Population
PM Modi announced it from the Red Fort
In an attempt to empower the skilled laborers,
how can the scheme empower your #UPSC 2024?🤔
Learn all about this important scheme in this post🔖👇🏼
First, who was Vishwakarma?
Two designations credited to him:
Some of the initiatives by India :
1. International Solar Alliance (ISA).
2. Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI).
3. Leadership for Industry Transition (LeadIT).
4. Infrastructure for Resilient Island States (IRIS).
5. Lifestyle for Environment: Mission
The Chola period was one of the most important periods in ancient and medieval Indian History.
We have compiled a list of important terms related to the Chola period mentioned in NCERT.
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शहर पानी मे डूबने वाला था ...
जब बसा था, तो पास एक नदी बहती थी। किसी ने उसपर बांध बना दिया। अगले तीस साल पानी जमा होता रहा, और विशाल झील बन गई।
अतुलित जलराशि... मानो लहराता सागर ठाठें मार रहा हो। मगर शहर सुरक्षित था।
जिस बांध ने शहर को सुरक्षा दे रखी थी, एक दिन उसमे
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20 Committees Notes for GS2 Mains to:
• add value to your answers
• score higher than usual in #UPSC
(Link to download PDF for GS2 & GS3 in last tweet)
1. Minicoy Thundi Beach : Lakshadweep
2. Kadmat Beach : Lakshadweep
3. Kovalam Beach : Tamil Nadu
4. Eden Beach : Puducherry
5. Golden Beach – Odisha
6. Shivrajpur Beach – Gujarat
7. Kappadd Beach : Kerala
8. Ghoghla Beach : Diu