Yana Petri
Moscow, Russia 🇷🇺 | UC Berkeley '19, Nomura lab | MIT grad student, Raines lab | Science is fun! 🙃
ID: 1000326921241157632
26-05-2018 10:44:57
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757 Takip Edilen
Very happy to see our account review online at Synlett Chemistry at Thieme Big thanks to all former and current group members!!!! #peptidomimetics #proteomimtics #INCYPRO #Incircular thieme-connect.com/products/ejour…
Just come out in J. Am. Chem. Soc. ! mRNA release is the key bottleneck for its delivery, and we solved this problem with the design of immolative guanidinium transporters (GSer-CARTs). A perfect blend of chemistry and biology in collaboration with Howard Chang Sean Ku Wang and others!
Jack Szostak, along with Harvard Chemistry and Penn Chemistry, have expanded on their origins of life work by providing a plausible model for the effective exclusion of arabino- and threo-nucleotides from primordial oligonucleotides in Nucleic Acids Res Szostak Lab academic.oup.com/nar/advance-ar…
Excited to share our Viewpoint (from the Raines group) with Forrest FitzGerald (Forrest FitzGerald): "Chemoselective Reagents for the Traceless Bioreversible Modification of Native Proteins" pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/ac…
TWeeP (This Week's Paper): Peptide bods have a half-life of ∼500 years in neutral water. Yet, collagen has been identified in 195 M-y-old fossils. In ACS Central Science, the Raines lab shows that n→π* interactions cause this remarkable stability of collagen. pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.10…