patty spears
Cancer Research Patient Advocate at UNC Lineberger CCC. Breast & Liver cancer, clinical trials, PROMs, #SciComm Featured Voice FCOI: bit.ly/336pNir
ID: 2578266022
https://unclineberger.org/research/patient-research-advocacy-group/ 02-06-2014 19:15:55
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Please join us in celebrating deborahcollyar of Patient Advocates in Research (PAIR) for receiving the Tara Withington Public Service Award. Thank you for creating a space where research meets reality. LEARN MORE: sitcancer.org/aboutsitc/awar…

I’m honored to bring my friend and respected colleague, Dr. Monica M. Bertagnolli Dr. Monica Bertagnolli to Facts & Faith Fridays for a meaningful conversation. You know I only bring my folk to the table with something great to say right? Join us on Sept 20, 3 pm us02web.zoom.us/webinar/regist…

Living with Multiple Myeloma, Doctor Becomes Powerful Resource and Patient Advocate - goo.gl/alerts/9wgwzn #GoogleAlerts @MyelomaTeacher - Cindy Chmielewski Todd Kennedy Surviving Myeloma Yelak Biru Teresa Miceli. ❤️&☮️4🌎 Robin Tuohy Vincent Rajkumar Luciano J Costa Beth Faiman PhD Plasma Cell Pete Philip McCarthy

DESTINYBreast 12 presented by Nancy Lin, MD at #ESMO2024 illustrating clear intracranial activity in HER2+ breast cancer with brain Mets - 72% CNS RR! Simultaneously published Nat. Med.

So many outstanding initiatives coming out of UNC Lineberger’s COE dept and their team of rock stars ✨ Novel methods of data collection & analysis, patient advocacy, addressing barriers to #cancercare, and so much more.

Bill Wood Daniel Reuland CCSI An incredible day with many discussions on cutting-edge cancer research, shared breakthroughs, and fostered collaboration. Huge thanks to all speakers and participants for an inspiring event! Also, a warm welcome to our new executive director, Robert Ferris, MD, PhD.

Incredible science and collaborative accomplishments UNC Lineberger scientific retreat. With special honor for icon Dr Shelley Earp. I am honored to lead UNC health system oncology services and the amazing Lineberger cancer center starting Oct 1.

Happy National Postdoc Appreciation Week! I want to personally thank our National Cancer Institute postdocs and trainees for their dedication and innovation. Your work is pushing the boundaries of #CancerResearch and helping to shape a brighter future. I’m proud to work alongside you! #NPAW2024

A recording of Dr. Ethan Basch's #ASCOQLTY24 Joseph Simone Quality Care Award lecture is now available in which he reflects on the evolution of quality improvement in #CancerCare. On the Brink of a Golden Age in Quality Cancer Care: brnw.ch/21wNgPE Ethan Basch

Important article in Journal of Clinical Oncology on Patient Enrollment to Industry v Federally-funded Cancer Clinical Trials: - 26,080trials, 2008-2022 - enrolled pts 8.1fold greater for industry v academic - less focus on q's such as tx duration, de-escalation OncoAlert ascopubs.org/doi/full/10.12…