Oriana Marques
Scientist in the Iron Homeostasis MMPU group (Uniklinikum Heidelberg/EMBL). Focus on iron-related mechanisms contributing to Anemia of Inflammation.
ID: 1394957642649452544
19-05-2021 10:06:41
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371 Takip Edilen

Our Erasmus Virtual Hematology Lectures will continue on September 19 at 16.00 CET (every two weeks) with a fantastic line up. us06web.zoom.us/j/89635130792 ID: 896 3513 0792 We will start with Omar Abdel Wahab from MSKCC. Spread the news 📯📯 Abdel-Wahab Lab INTERCEPT-MDS ITN

Up for another iron-fest? Look no further than BioIron 2023! Details below 👇 Please share and RT! The Drakesmith Lab European Hematology Association Domenico Girelli Elizabeta Nemeth Samira Lakhal-Littleton Francesca Vinchi IronBiologyBot IRONY (Iron and Immunity Lab) Samira Lakhal-Littleton Sant-Rayn Pasricha

#Iron Homeostasis in Mice: Does #Liver Lobe Matter? (Silvia Colucci et al.) -- new in AJP-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology! ow.ly/KOmb50PKfoJ Silvia Colucci #MouseModel #AnimalReduction #ArticlesinPress