Neonatal Hemodynamics Research Centre
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https://neonatalhemodynamics.com 25-10-2018 15:40:23
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Inspired by the amazing talk from Neonatal Hemodynamics Research Centre by Dr McNamara - I have assembled a series of definitions that are important when assessing cardiovascular physiology for the newborn: neocardiolab.com/tnecho-and-neo…

Thanks to all experts who answered our survey and contributed to incredible insights in drafting this Clinical Practice guideline! Special thanks to Souvik Mitra , Satyan and iowa_hemodynamics for the intense work in getting this ready! rdcu.be/dNXTB

Another outstanding review by Satyan , Willem-P de Boode, Dr Afif EL Khuffash and others. Don't look at just the graphics (which are very informative!) but also take time to read all the detailed review on this important topic. nature.com/articles/s4139…

journals.physiology.org/doi/abs/10.115… A decade of themed CVS research on IUGR infants Monash University School of Clinical Sciences The Ritchie Centre Nold Laboratory Calum Roberts AJP-Heart and Circ Fatima Crispi Prof Janna Morrison Neonatal Hemodynamics Research Centre Neonatal Heart Society California Association of Neonatologists (CAN) The BPD Collaborative Neo Kids On The Block Hot Topics in Neonatology

Join us on August 21 @ 2pm ET for the next International Neonatal Hemodynamics Webinar: Precision in PDA Catheter Closure: Periprocedural Care with Dr. Adrianne Bischoff from iowa_hemodynamics! #neoTwitter #neohemodynamics #NHTSASE Register: form.jotform.com/220336877466970

Join us for the next TNE/NPE Foundations Curriculum lecture on September 4 @ 2pm ET/1pm CT. Dr. Rachael Hyland from iowa_hemodynamics will be presenting on Atypical Acute Pulmonary Hypertension. #neoTwitter #neohemodynamics Registration: us02web.zoom.us/webinar/regist…

Presenting next Thursday Sept 12 at 2pm on The Hemodynamic impact of HIE. All welcome to join the Webinar 🤖#𝕟𝕖𝕠𝕋𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣 Neonatal Hemodynamics Research Centre

pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/39227145 After 5 years of team work. special thanks to authors 1-5 for countless hours tracking paper charts in the darkness of health record Dep - From Toronto with ❤️. 🤖neopapers Evidence-Based Neo Neonatal Hemodynamics Research Centre Sinai Health Canadian Premature Babies Foundation