Mia Walker
Track & Field Sprints || Class of '27 || 400m 1:01 || St. John Paul II HS || 4.31 GPA || AP & Honors
ID: 1758160561446277121
15-02-2024 16:05:37
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Focusing on getting to top speed from standing start...two sets of 3x30m, 1 min rest between reps, 4 min rest between sets JAWKU Speed #5amworkout #400m #classof2027 #trackandfield
30m repeats x 2 days/week Lifting + summer speed work at parisi chicago dropped my time to 4.57 sec JAWKU Speed #trackandfield #classof2027
Deload week...and got to use my new hex bar! Titan Fitness Class of 2027 #trackandfield
Went north to see Knowledge Omovoh OLY and David Dunlap crush the 300m! Workouts with Knowledge and Kevin Tyler, OLY are my favorite because they continuously challenge and inspire me. 🫶 Is that a cookie in your hand, Coach? #classof2027 #trackandfield