Mariana Mazzucato
UCL Prof, Founding Director of @IIPP_UCL. Author of: The Big Con; Entrepreneurial State; Value of Everything; Mission Economy. 4 kids keep me smiling. #COYG
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Recibí en La Moneda al canciller Alberto van Klaveren y al embajador de Chile en Venezuela, Jaime Gazmuri, quien arribó hoy a nuestro país junto al personal diplomático luego de la intempestiva e injustificada expulsión. Mantenemos nuestra posición: No reconocemos el proclamado

Missed our Virtual Graduate Open Day? Catch up on all the details about our Master of Public Administration (MPA) programme from our two Deputy Directors Rainer Kattel & David Eaves as well as a current student and an alumna. UK applications still open 🎥 youtu.be/PpKWSjeM0CE?si…

Alles wat tegenwoordig uitgevent wordt als verdienste van de vrije markt is in wezen te danken aan publieke investeringen, zo laat Mariana Mazzucato zien. De staat kan meer dan marktgelovigen denken. Ewald Engelen sprak haar voor De Groene: buff.ly/3xoTufq

Join us on 18 Sep for our UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose event on "Delivering Purpose-Driven Government in the UK: A Conversation about Mission Boards, Public Procurement and Wealth Funds". We will explore how to translate mission-oriented government into effective action. Hybrid | 17:30-19:00 BST |

UK public bodies spent £3.4bn on private consultants last year. I told The Guardian this "parasitic" relationship weakens state capacity to address key challenges like climate change and digitalisation. We need to invest in public sector capabilities. Read the piece here ➡️

Don't miss Kojo Koram's conversation with Keith Magee and Cecilia Rikap on his book "Uncommon Wealth: Britain and the aftermath of Empire"; revealing how the greed unleashed after the end of the empire is ravaging Britain today. 10 Oct | Register here ➡️ ucl.ac.uk/bartlett/publi…

Can The Labour Party walk the talk of mission-driven government? Georgia Gould and I will discuss translating mission statements into mission delivery at the Labour Party Conference #LPC24, in partnership with UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose & IPPR & moderated by Harry Quilter-Pinner. 22 Sep | 17:45-19:00 BST |

Modern industrial policy should shape markets, not just fix their failures, writes Mariana Mazzucato imf.org/en/Publication…

What would it mean for the economy to serve #HealthForAll and how can we get there? My piece in The Lancet with World Health Organization (WHO) Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus explores how to implement the World Health Organization (WHO) Resolution on Economics of Health for All. Full article ➡️ thelancet.com/journals/lance… Informed by the

“How one nation's farming revolution can feed Africa” excellent talk by my good friend Wandile Sihlobo youtube.com/watch?v=SYNEYH…