Molly Fuchs MD
Pediatric Urologist at Nationwide Children's Hospital
@nchurology @nationwidekids
ID: 1465755370064945155
30-11-2021 18:53:23
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🙌 Congrats #SPU2022 clinical abstract prize winner Kathleen Kieran Seattle Children's UW Urology: Impact of YouTube videos and health literacy and postoperative healthcare utilization following pediatric urologic surgery (Paul Merguerian accepting, Kathleen Kieran on ✈️)

Great work Christina Ching!! Well deserved 💪🏻

Its a wrap 🎬 #spu2022 thanks Stacy Tanaka SPU_Urology Tons of fun and a great experience! Take homes ➡️ keep learning and coach! ➡️ Diversity and equity matters ➡️ wellness! ✅ in on each other ➡️ young 👩🏼🔬 apply for spu grant ➡️ drlornabreen.org

All star cast yesterday #spu2022 Hillary Copp Kate Kraft Richard Wood Mark Cain and Hillary Sanfey discussing surgical education, coaching and continued learning! SPU_Urology

Will be such a great meeting! And will be led by North Central Section AUA President, my Mayo Clinic Urology colleague, Matthew Gettman 💪 #NCSAUA23

Congratulations Cheryl Lee!!

Excited to represent the Pediatric Urology, Nationwide Children's Hospital robotics team lead by Daniel G. DaJusta at this course! Learn tips on robotics in infants as small as 5kg and robotic bladder reconstruction!

Join NCH Kidney Center for their second annual symposium on Feb. 27 and 28. Available in person or virtually, earn up to 5 CME credits. Register now: bit.ly/23KUTCSymposium John David Spencer

Feeling extraordinarily lucky to be part of this team Peds Colorectal, Nationwide Children's Hospital, and to have PCPLC as a place to learn, share our work as a team, and eat great tacos. Extremely proud of every one of us and glad to be trusted with the quest to paint Arizona in butterflies 🦋 #PCPLC2023

Summer is coming and so is the Second Annual #RoboticSurgery for Pediatric Surgeons Conference (Aug 21-23) in Columbus! Learn more or register: nationwidechildrens.org/for-medical-pr…. #PedsSurg Nationwide PedSurg IPEG Nationwide Children's Clinical & Research Updates Karen Diefenbach

Couldn’t agree more Anne Dudley, MD ! amazing work by Kristen Meier and Kyle Rove

Protecting renal function in cloacal malformation is paramount! Peds Colorectal, Nationwide Children's Hospital Pediatric Urology, Nationwide Children's Hospital NCH Kidney Center Pediatric Urology, Nationwide Children's Hospital ✅ urology involved early ✅ frequent rus and labs ✅ normal renal fxn can be preserved ✅most with renal dysfxn are born with it, rather than acquired