Ken Hinckley
Inactive here.
Advances devices, interaction, & design from a human perspective. Sr Principal Research Mgr, Microsoft Research EPIC
ID: 308738225
http://kenhinckley.wordpress.com 31-05-2011 22:37:53
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I am recruiting PhD/MSc students for Fall 2024 McMaster Engineering! If you are someone/know someone who is interested in investigating the design of collaborative computing systems in social context, and/or interested in working with older adults and/or children, please reach out!

📢Check out what our team Microsoft Research has been working on! 👇 #AutoGen is an open source, multi-agent framework for easily building powerful LLM-based applications. 🤖🤖🤖 Repo: aka.ms/autogen-gh Discord: aka.ms/autogen-dc #AI #LLM #Microsoft

How sci-fi writer JG Ballard's computer poems predicted ChatGPT bbc.com/future/article… via BBC Future

📣 Call for UIST Visions is now out! We invite forward-thinking ideas that inspire research directions for future interfaces and interaction techniques. 🗓️Deadline: July 31, 2024, 5pm PT 🔗Details: uist.acm.org/2024/cfp/#visi… Co-chaired by Alex Olwal & Mira Dontcheva!

I am also recruiting PhD/MSc students in CS/Software for fall 2025 at McMaster University. If you are interested in designing and building social technologies for older adults do reach out! Happy to meet and chat at CSCW.

The Data Systems group at MSR Redmond Microsoft Research is now looking for in-person summer 2025 interns in the data systems and exploration areas! Interested PhD students (US and international) can apply at jobs.careers.microsoft.com/global/en/job/… -- thank you!