Kate Mikhail
Sleep specialist. Author of Teach Yourself to Sleep. Psychotherapist. Cognitive behavioural hypnotherapist. Masterclass tutor. Passionate about sleep 😴
ID: 143801855
https://www.katemikhail.com/ 14-05-2010 12:41:44
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In a new study in Nature Communications, researchers identified at least one potential link that locks sleep deprivation and chronic pain in an endless loop. ow.ly/CUh750QctwZ

Quality day = quality sleep = quality day... our days & nights are intertwined. Exercise is just one of the things we can do in the day to improve the quality of our sleep #sleeptips #health SciTechDaily scitechdaily.com/new-research-r…

Managing #circadian rhythms through intense #light and chronologically timed therapy can help prevent or treat a variety of #circulatory system conditions including #heart disease, according to a new study from researchers at CU Anschutz Medical Campus. ow.ly/h49m50QVX9t

Fascinating look at the medical use of Clinical Hypnosis: Past, Present & Future, at the Royal Society of Medicine. Thank you for such insightful talks on what this powerful technique can achieve! The Royal Society #clinicalhypnosis #hypnosis #health rsm.ac.uk/events/hypnosi…

My interview about Teach Yourself to Sleep, with Wellness Curated By Anshu Bahanda presenter Anshu Bahanda, is now part of the 'Best of Wellness Curated' series: Sleep issues and the science behind it: …scuratedbyanshubahanda.buzzsprout.com #Sleep #insomnia #sleeptip