Mrs V
ID: 527127973
17-03-2012 05:32:09
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Celebrated our last day of school in 2020, reading to our classroom elves. #Mrsv2020 Bruderheim School

#Mrsv2020 Crafting, wrapping, dancing and reading letters from Santa all Bruderheim School

A huge “Thank you” to the McIntyre family for choosing my class to donate books to, in memory of their dear father and grandfather. We will love reading them! #2v2020 Bruderheim School

Thank you, Mrs.Richert, for all you’ve done for our school. We will miss you! #Mrsv2020 Bruderheim School

2V really “measured” up! Kicking off out math measurement unit before Spring break #Mrsv2020 Bruderheim School

Friday was Crazy Hair Day! Just a few of our friends who went a little crazy 😜 #Mrsv2020 Bruderheim School

Thank you to our Educational Assistant, Mrs.Fediuk, for your assistance in our class for the month of April. Having extra hands was so nice! #Mrsv2020 Bruderheim School

Meet “Stillwater” the lovable panda bear from the story, Zen Shorts. A remarkable read! #Mrsv2020 Bruderheim School

Jersey/Character day at Bruderheim Elementary. Just a few of our dressed up little ones in grade 2! #Mrsv2020 Bruderheim School

I promised the grade 2’s I would post the beautiful artwork they made for their amazing Moms after Mother’s Day. They were so proud of their work. #Mrsv2020 Bruderheim School

2V demonstrates patience and perseverance while creating geometric stitching in art. #Mrsv2020 Bruderheim School