Jodi Coffee Adams
KDE OCTE New Teacher Institute Director; Clinical Instructor, Ph.D. candidate, UofL. #L1C4. Believer, Wife, Daughter, Sister & Mom. All tweets are my own.
ID: 325809650
28-06-2011 22:21:43
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Definitely better night in the press box than the stands, right Doug Wilham ?!? But we're cheering University of Louisville either way! #GoCARDS ❤⚾️❤

HUGE SHOUTOUT to our Alex R. Kennedy Elem STLP students!!! Check out the story here - facebook.com/10534746347053… STLP Kentucky JCPS Rebekah Ferguson, NBCT

Join me in supporting Orphan Care Alliance! Any amount helps vulnerable kids and families in crisis! kygives.org/organizations/… Orphan Care Alliance #KYGives22! kygives.org

We need great people for our great school! Farnsley MS is hiring for our Explore Pathways program. Check the programs below in need of engaging instructors! Have any questions or know someone? Reach out to me! JCPS Explore Pathways Farnsley Middle School Explore Pathways @JCPS_MS_EA Heather Benfield JCPS

We also need Math and Science teachers! Looking to teach in JCPS? Reach out! Have an engineering, math, or science degree looking to move into teaching? Reach out! We can get you certified. Come join an amazing team! Rowan Claypool GoTeachKY EdLeadUofL Jodi Coffee Adams

Happy to announce the 2022 Postsecondary #CTEResearch Fellows #ECMCFFellows NC State University funded by the ECMC Foundation acteonline Advance CTE Jobs for the Future (JFF) Institute for Citizens & Scholars Strategic Data Project @NCstatebelk comm_college NC State College of Education #CTE Anna Fontus Dr Michelle Bartlett ced.ncsu.edu/news/?p=50177

Ready to be inspired during the STEM Leadership Alliance Summit with our #KYDelegation. Brad Thomas Jodi Coffee Adams #stemalliance22

Inspiring greetings from Astronaut Barbara Morgan at #STEMALLIANCE22 Looking forward to more inspiration from a loaded speaker list! Mark Harrell Brad Thomas

Stephen Pruitt with the #KY shout-out! Come to our STEM Leadership Alliance #breakout session on Wednesday to learn about our #NTI model! #STEMAlliance22

Great to here from former KY commish Stephen Pruitt at #STEMAlliance22 about #STEM teacher shortages!! Dr. Pruitt was one of our biggest supporters revising New Teacher Institute & our partnership w/ SREB continues to be pivotal to a 90% retention rate. KY Dept of Education

With our partners ECMC Foundation Anna Fontus North Carolina Community Colleges and past #ECMCFFellows Jodi Coffee Adams Linda Van Doren, Ed.D. at 2022 ACTE #postsecondary #cte convening #Apprenticeships #careerpathways & #partnerships panels-Coming again in 2023 #actepostsecondarycteconvening

Loving the inaugural #actepostsecondarycteconvening and hearing former ECMC Foundation #postsecondaryCTE research fellow Jodi Coffee Adams present on #cte teacher recruitment and retention

In this episode of the NCLA podcast, Rachael Mann is joined by @jodicoffeeadams to discuss retaining #Careerteched teachers through a three-layered #mentorship program. Tune in to hear more! anchor.fm/nclacte/episod…

"The more people we can get in this space talking and solving the problem, the more likely we don't have the problem in the future" - Jodi Coffee Adams #ACTER2023