Ehrenreich Meuchel (@harkank) 's Twitter Profile
Ehrenreich Meuchel


@[email protected]: Hacking nature, radio waves & minds.

DMs open, encryption on request

ID: 50616576

calendar_today25-06-2009 11:10:19

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Wietze Brandsma 🏴‍☠️ #StemPiraat (@wabrandsma) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Chatcontrol brief Bert Hubert… Het kennelijk steeds over het hoofd geziene probleem is dat ChatContol geen enkel kind gaat beschermen - integendeel. Het is een tool voor "veiligheids"diensten bedoeld voor het uitvoeren van massasurveillance. (@epicenter_works) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#Bundestrojaner – Was ist das eigentlich? Auch im aktuellen Wahlkampf ruft die Volkspartei wieder lautstark nach der Überwachung verschlüsselter Kommunikation. 🛑 Was daran so gefährlich ist:

NSA/CSS (@nsagov) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Catch up on No Such Podcast – the fourth episode is available now! Amy and Jen share stories of the women of NSA and how their contributions are still being used to day. Learn more at National Cryptologic Museum and subscribe now wherever you get your podcasts!

BleepingComputer (@bleepincomputer) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Kaspersky deleted its anti-malware software from computers across the United States and replaced it with UltraAV antivirus without warning - Sergiu Gatlan…

K3RRR (@k3tripler) 's Twitter Profile Photo

What a great and cheap idea to protect mast-mounted or tower-mounted electronics! And you can get them in designer colors to add elegance to any antenna installation! Thanks to #OE3EMB for the photo. Check out this webpage of his:…

What a great and cheap idea to protect mast-mounted or tower-mounted electronics! And you can get them in designer colors to add elegance to any antenna installation! Thanks to #OE3EMB for the photo. 

Check out this webpage of his:…
Ehrenreich Meuchel (@harkank) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Das kann ja was werden mit dem Schutz der Kinder im Netz. Initiator Saudi Arabien, von Oracle bis BAE Systems alle IT-Antipathieträger dabei & als Draufgab noch die KI-Astroturfer von WeProtect, die hinter der #Chatkontrolle stehen.

K3RRR (@k3tripler) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today's Culinary Delight - An Engineer's Perspective A batch of cornbread cooked in a Fe-3.52C-2.51Si-0.49Mn-0.15Mo-0.31Cu wt% (Lodge) skillet. I pre-heated the skillet to 478 degrees Kelvin in an oven fueled with CH4. I let the dough mix rise 1.2 ^10 milliseconds, give or take,

Today's Culinary Delight - An Engineer's Perspective
A batch of cornbread cooked in a Fe-3.52C-2.51Si-0.49Mn-0.15Mo-0.31Cu wt% (Lodge) skillet. I pre-heated the skillet to 478 degrees Kelvin in an oven fueled with CH4. I let the dough mix rise 1.2 ^10 milliseconds, give or take, (@epicenter_works) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The European Commission trades citizens’ protection for a hasty, undemocratic implementation of the 🇪🇺 #eID. Without a major course correction it’s better for EU Member States to reject the draft implementing acts in their upcoming meeting in October. 🙅 #eIDAS…

CCC Updates (@chaosupdates) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Mehr Überwachung auch im schwarz-grünen BW: Polizei kriegt sowas wie #Palantir zur Datenanalyse, automatische Kennzeichenlesesysteme, #Vorratsdatenspeicherung…

EPIC (@epicprivacy) 's Twitter Profile Photo

On Wednesday 9/25, @EPICPrivacy will be celebrating public officials and leading experts who have led the charge against surveillance capitalism and data abuses. Check out this thread for more info on this year’s awardees You can register for TODAY at!

EPIC (@epicprivacy) 's Twitter Profile Photo

EPIC will also be recognizing Professor Ross Anderson’s lifetime of work as a leader in the field of security engineering, & his steadfast defense individual privacy. Ross was a member of EPIC’s Advisory Board for 10+ yrs, and we're looking forward to honoring his memory.

ARISS - Amateur Radio on the ISS (@ariss_intl) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Here's what's upcoming for ARISS the remainder of this week. APRS is currently online, but may be impacted for an experiment in the Service Module after 9/27. Follow us for updates on ham radio status on the International Space Station.

Here's what's upcoming for ARISS the remainder of this week. 
APRS is currently online, but may be impacted for an experiment in the Service Module after 9/27.
Follow us for updates on ham radio status on the <a href="/Space_Station/">International Space Station</a>.
NSA/CSS (@nsagov) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Coming up on No Such Podcast, we’re focusing on how NSA’s researchers contribute to our national security mission. They’re at the cutting edge of emerging technologies like AI and quantum computing. Don’t miss out - subscribe to No Such Podcast now wherever you get your shows!

Matthew Green (@matthew_d_green) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This question is a good one. “Why does a 13-year old need that level of encryption?” The answer is: there is no special message encryption for CEOs and people handing important information. They use the same apps and devices as my 13 year old.

This question is a good one. “Why does a 13-year old need that level of encryption?”

The answer is: there is no special message encryption for CEOs and people handing important information. They use the same apps and devices as my 13 year old.
CCC Updates (@chaosupdates) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Alle Fotos und Videos sollen vor dem Abschicken per Messengerdienst gescannt werden: #Chatkontrolle mit „Upload-Moderation“…

Markus Reuter (@markusreuter_) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Mit einer Zustimmung zum Sicherheitspaket würden sich Grüne und FDP von ihrer Tradition als Bürgerrechtsparteien verabschieden. Wir widmen ihnen deshalb einen Fotorückblick aus Zeiten, in der Grundrechte noch etwas zählten.…

CyberScoop (@cyberscoopnews) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Intelligence officials said Monday that generative AI has thus far been a “malign influence accelerant” and not a “revolutionary” tool.