Kristin Gribble
Studying transgenerational inheritance and aging.
ID: 103929170 11-01-2010 18:20:49
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Team Rotifer working hard in Amsterdam. Mike Neubert @HalCaswell @silkevandaalen Chrissy Hernandez, Ph. D. Yo mama . . .
The Ecosystems Center, Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL, Woods Hole, MA) is hiring collaborative faculty at all career levels in coastal ecosystems ecology--coastal estuaries, bays, marshes, and/or watersheds across the globe! 3/15/20 deadline. See
Our paper on the evolution of maternal age effects is out. The product of a fun and rewarding collaboration with Chrissy Hernandez, Ph. D., @silkevandaalen, Mike Neubert, and @HalCaswell. Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) #teamrotifer…
New #PostDoc #JobAlert studying Genetic and Epigenetic Mechanisms of Transgenerational Inheritance with MBL's Dr. Kristin Gribble (Kristin Gribble).
Mark your calendars for the 10th Aquatic Models of Human Disease Conference Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL), Oct 7-11 2021! Exciting line-up of topics and speakers, keynotes by Erich Jarvis, Ken Poss, and Kristie Willett, plus a genomics workshop! Check for updates. #AQMHD
Dog Aging Project Daniel Promislow is recruiting a research tech to work University of Washington on metabolomics and aging in pet dogs. We strongly encourage BIPOC to apply. Scott V Edwards, Dr. Raven the Science Maven, TheWOCproject, Black in Physiology, BlackAFinSTEM, #blackintheivory prescod-weinstein…
Postdoc position available! Mitochondrial and epigenetic mechanisms of maternal age effects - Marine Biological Laboratory - Woods Hole, MA U.S. National Science Foundation NIH Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) Gerontological Society of America (GSA) American Aging Association #aging
23: Kristin Gribble Kristin Gribble at Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) 🇺🇸 is looking for a postdoc to study the cellular, genetic, and epigenetic mechanisms of maternal age effects on offspring health and lifespan…
Dr. Alyssa L. Liguori rocking her lecture on adaptive radiation to students from The Hockaday School Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL)
Postdoctoral Scientist - Epigenetics of maternal age effects Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) #Postdoc on the #epigenetic mechanisms of maternal effects and transgenerational inheritance is available Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL)… #ScienceJobs #job Woods Hole, ...…
We are hiring! Postdoctoral scientist position available to investigate the #epigenetic mechanisms of maternal effects. Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) U.S. National Science Foundation #aging…
I am hiring! Postdoctoral Scientist position studying mechanisms of maternal age effects at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole. Starting salary well above NIH scale. Position description here: Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) American Aging Association #aging #rotifers #postdoc