making music by the English coast
ID: 1493688137708625920
https://open.spotify.com/artist/0KhcGRW1eUzwVIwSwU1RlM?si=x3aFyxEgSNSeXYNJBz79CA&utm_source=copy-lin 15-02-2022 20:46:29
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Get ready for #Folk & #Country and listen to this great #playlist with MIK's Reaction Valeryan marcusmagnussonmusic Todd & Karen - "SINGLES" OUT NOW! Silverbird Brenda Cay Alessia Raisi fábjáni Mike and Mandy Bernice Marsala 🎶 Wanaka Emma Dupéré open.spotify.com/playlist/7Fgj5…

Get your folk on with this awesome #indiemusic playlist! Eric Michael Jones @musiccrompton Dancing in Jerusalem @ebolutionate Emma Dupéré - Official Dom Piper Music fábjáni @gavanwaldby Goldfish Smarts Jóhannes Bjarki Mel Randall MIK's Reaction BluesTrainer and more! open.spotify.com/playlist/7Fgj5…

Enjoy this fine playlist with awesome music by Kele Fleming 🎶 Door to Door Salesman fábjáni roderiko pop Wanaka Sano Hill 🎶 #NewAlbum #IfNotNowWhen? #OutNow William Lovitt Dorian Whisper Music industrial-1 Mel Randall MercuryTeardropOfficial AntoniGrzyb - piano Copperstone 🎶 Billy Lowry DVous of DVous Music + more open.spotify.com/playlist/1FeT3…

Enjoy this fine playlist with awesome music by MIK's Reaction fábjáni Silverbird Wanaka My Poor Brother James Hawken 〓〓 Todd & Karen - "SINGLES" OUT NOW! Dancing in Jerusalem Emma Dupéré - Official Brenda Cay Sano Hill 🎶 #NewAlbum #IfNotNowWhen? #OutNow marcusmagnussonmusic Jóhannes Bjarki Sigurðsson Teley Irons + more open.spotify.com/playlist/7Fgj5…

Simply great #folk and #country in one playlist Todd & Karen - "SINGLES" OUT NOW! United Duality Alessia Raisi fábjáni Silverbird Emma Dupéré - Official Valeryan Brenda Cay Bernice Marsala 🎶 Dancing in Jerusalem Listen here 👇👇👇 open.spotify.com/playlist/7Fgj5…

Get your folk on with this awesome #indiemusic playlist! Eric Michael Jones @musiccrompton Dancing in Jerusalem @ebolutionate Emma Dupéré - Official Dom Piper Music fábjáni @gavanwaldby Goldfish Smarts Jóhannes Bjarki Mel Randall MIK's Reaction BluesTrainer and more! open.spotify.com/playlist/7Fgj5…

Huge thanks to MIK's Reaction for including 'Time Out' on this fantastic #Folk & #country playlist also with Emma Dupéré - Official Eric Michael Jones On The Plains fábjáni gavan waldby codyhallmusic James Hawken 〓〓 Kaminski Bryan Cooper ♪ Mel Randall &more🤠 open.spotify.com/playlist/7Fgj5…

Checkout the latest additions from Wes Herndon, Musician & Kelly Cresswell Music to the #folk and #country playlist Todd & Karen - "SINGLES" OUT NOW! United Duality Alessia Raisi fábjáni Silverbird Emma Dupéré - Official Valeryan Brenda Cay Bernice Marsala 🎶 Listen here 👇👇👇 open.spotify.com/playlist/7Fgj5…

Get your folk on with this awesome #indiemusic playlist! Eric Michael Jones @musiccrompton Dancing in Jerusalem @ebolutionate Emma Dupéré - Official Dom Piper Music fábjáni @gavanwaldby Goldfish Smarts Jóhannes Bjarki Mel Randall MIK's Reaction BluesTrainer and more! open.spotify.com/playlist/7Fgj5…

I love the music of Kaminski so a new release is always good news, and a review from Charles Connolly makes it even sweeter! The new song in question is Imposter Syndrome, giving Charles an opportunity to discuss... imposter syndrome! Do read and listen! newartistspotlight.org/post/this-week…

Enjoy this fine playlist with awesome music by MIK's Reaction fábjáni Silverbird Wanaka My Poor Brother James Hawken 〓〓 Todd & Karen - "SINGLES" OUT NOW! Dancing in Jerusalem Emma Dupéré - Official Brenda Cay Sano Hill 🎶 #NewAlbum #IfNotNowWhen? #OutNow marcusmagnussonmusic Jóhannes Bjarki Sigurðsson Teley Irons + more open.spotify.com/playlist/7Fgj5…

Enjoy this fine playlist with awesome music by Kele Fleming 🎶 Door to Door Salesman fábjáni roderiko pop Wanaka Sano Hill 🎶 #NewAlbum #IfNotNowWhen? #OutNow William Lovitt Dorian Whisper Music industrial-1 Mel Randall MercuryTeardropOfficial AntoniGrzyb - piano Copperstone 🎶 Billy Lowry DVous of DVous Music + more open.spotify.com/playlist/1FeT3…

Press play and enjoy great folk & country tunes from these wonderful #NAS artists 💚 BluesTrainer Ed Eagle Rich Allen Music - gavan waldby Mel Randall Sano Hill 🎶 #NewAlbum #IfNotNowWhen? #OutNow Dom Piper Music MIK's Reaction Brenda Cay Alessia Raisi fábjáni Bernice Marsala 🎶 open.spotify.com/playlist/7Fgj5…

Listen also this #folk #artists: Rich Allen Music - Rod Fritz Todd & Karen - "SINGLES" OUT NOW! @alessiaraisi @ebolutionate Emma Dupéré - Official fábjáni @gavanwaldby Goldfish Smarts Jóhannes Bjarki Kele Fleming 🎶 My Poor Brother TJ👽 Sano Hill 🎶 #NewAlbum #IfNotNowWhen? #OutNow Silva Steve Schultheis the alleys @unitedduality

Get your folk on with this awesome #indiemusic playlist! Eric Michael Jones @musiccrompton Dancing in Jerusalem @ebolutionate Emma Dupéré - Official Dom Piper Music fábjáni @gavanwaldby Goldfish Smarts Jóhannes Bjarki Mel Randall MIK's Reaction BluesTrainer and more! open.spotify.com/playlist/7Fgj5…

Ready for great #Folk & #Country? Check out this great #playlist with MIK's Reaction Valeryan marcusmagnussonmusic Kele Fleming 🎶 Todd & Karen - "SINGLES" OUT NOW! Silverbird Brenda Cay fábjáni Mike and Mandy Bernice Marsala 🎶 Wanaka & more open.spotify.com/playlist/7Fgj5…

Huge thanks to MIK's Reaction for including 'Time Out' on this fantastic #Folk & #country playlist also with Emma Dupéré - Official Eric Michael Jones On The Plains fábjáni gavan waldby codyhallmusic James Hawken 〓〓 Kaminski Bryan Cooper ♪ Mel Randall & more🤠 open.spotify.com/playlist/7Fgj5…

Enjoy this fine playlist with awesome music by MIK's Reaction fábjáni Silverbird Wanaka My Poor Brother James Hawken 〓〓 Todd & Karen - "SINGLES" OUT NOW! Dancing in Jerusalem Emma Dupéré - Official Brenda Cay Sano Hill 🎶 #NewAlbum #IfNotNowWhen? #OutNow marcusmagnussonmusic Jóhannes Bjarki Sigurðsson Teley Irons + more open.spotify.com/playlist/7Fgj5…

Enjoy this fine playlist with awesome music by Kele Fleming 🎶 Door to Door Salesman fábjáni roderiko pop Wanaka Sano Hill 🎶 #NewAlbum #IfNotNowWhen? #OutNow William Lovitt Dorian Whisper Music industrial-1 Mel Randall MercuryTeardropOfficial AntoniGrzyb - piano Copperstone 🎶 Billy Lowry DVous of DVous Music + more open.spotify.com/playlist/1FeT3…

Press play and enjoy great folk & country tunes from these wonderful #NAS artists 💚 BluesTrainer Ed Eagle Rich Allen Music - gavan waldby Mel Randall Sano Hill 🎶 #NewAlbum #IfNotNowWhen? #OutNow Dom Piper Music MIK's Reaction Brenda Cay Alessia Raisi fábjáni Bernice Marsala 🎶 open.spotify.com/playlist/6i4yT…