Benezet Rwelengera
Human Geographer, UDSM
||SUA & Univ. of Copenhagen||
Political Ecology| Decoloniality| Pastoralism | Politics | Forests|
ID: 842330391721717760
16-03-2017 11:03:09
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#Pollen24 Dodoma node just kicked off. A lot of interesting papers from brilliant scholars lined up. Mathew Bukhi Mabele Dr. Wilhelm Kiwango Benezet Rwelengera edith benedict Emmanuel Sulle Christine Noe Fadhili Bwagalilo

Benezet Rwelengera is now talking about rendering incompatibility of livestock grazing in village forest reserves #pollen24 #dodoma Nathan Oxley

Prof Abdallah provides background info as the Project Panel on Pastoralism and Village Land Forest Reserves in Tanzania convenes. This was followed by presentations from Parit Saruni, edith benedict, Benezet Rwelengera & Raymond Okick. Truly enriching #POLLEN24 UDOM_Geography

Day 3 of #POLLEN24 #Dodoma. Benezet Rwelengera & edith benedict of #LIVEFOR presented their work demonstrating that forestry is compatible with livestock grazing. They dispute a long-held narrative that pastoralism is bad for conservation.

What a moment it was. Asante sana Mathew Bukhi Mabele, Dr. Wilhelm Kiwango and UDOM_Geography for having us. Leaving with some important inputs for my work. #POLLEN24

JSAS is turning 50! Our latest issue revisits some of the core debates that have featured prominently in the journal for over five decades tandfonline.com/toc/cjss20/50/…. 🧵 Journal of Southern African Studies