Paulius Baronas
Postdoc @la_UPC
ID: 1054367869104844800 22-10-2018 13:44:23
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Dear all, we have some emerging science leaders in triplet-state photochemistry visiting the Kasper Moth-Poulsen lab at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) Barcelona in March 2024. Nobuhiro Yanai from Kyushu Univ. Victor Gray from Uppsala Univ. Heather from RSC Feel free to join us to hear about their research
Reconnecting on our academic journeys with my student Eglė Tankelevičiūtė from 🇱🇹🏴
Big thanks to Victor Gray for visiting us Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) and presenting his latest research on PV coatings to boost efficiency via singlet fission and TTA! ☀️ Kasper Moth-Poulsen Dr. Pankaj Bharmoria
Enjoyed giving a seminar at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) and having discussions and dinner with Dr. Pankaj Bharmoria Paulius Baronas Greta Bučytė! Especially happy to see our previous group member Pankaj is doing great. See you all again hopefully soon!
D-Day in the world of Photoswitches 😊 We started our conference Photoswitches for Energy Storage and Beyond Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) EEBE with contributions from all over the world! Introduction by Kasper Moth-Poulsen, first talk by Ambra Dreos Very excited & looking forward to great talks, posters & discussions! 👍
Happy "High Energy Fluorescence Friday" from the Low Energy Excitation. Kasper Moth-Poulsen Paulius Baronas icmabCSIC Lukas Naimovičius Mila Miroshnichenko 🇺🇦
Yesterday, we had reception for stage 1 of our new lab! great to see so many people :-) Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) Helen Hölzel Rebecca Salthouse Paulius Baronas Pedro Ferreira
Grateful to have been a part of this big project Zhihang Wang Kasper Moth-Poulsen!
Happy to share the publication of "ortho-dianthrylbenzenes for Molecular Solar Thermal Energy Storage" Note the very long half lives, and the attractive absorption in the system.… Nicolò Baggi Lidiya Jacob L. Elholm
🔬 Creen un dispositiu híbrid únic per generar electricitat i emmagatzemar energia tèrmica de manera eficient i sostenible Liderat per l'investigador Kasper Moth-Poulsen (@eebe_upc), participen en el projecte Cambridge University, icmabCSIC i Chalmers University of Technology. ➡️…