Facilitating the exchange of information and promoting education and further training for radiographers working in the field of magnetic resonance. UK
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http://www.bamrr.org/ 03-02-2011 19:04:41
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🧲Further your knowledge in #MRI. Join us BAMRR Further Course at the lovely Millennium Gloucester Hotel bamrr.org/events/further… SCoR Members IPEM MR-SIG Dr Janice St. John-Matthews 💙💜 (DProf) Liz Ashburner Everything MRI WeAHPs 💙 Radiology WHH Chloe Karyn.E.Chappell PhD (she/her/they) Tobias Gilk, MRSO, MRSE, Architect and MRI Safety @MRSAFETYMATTERS

Nearly the weekend! #BAMRR FURTHER MRI. Looking forward to a great day 👋 SCoR Members ISMRM Theo Akudjedu, Ph.D. Chloe NHS England Workforce, Training and Education IPEM MR-SIG #mri #radiography

Can you tell what this session is about? #MRI #BAMRR gianesini giovanni IPEM MR-SIG ISMRM Tobias Gilk, MRSO, MRSE, Architect and MRI Safety

Coming to #UKIO2024 tomorrow Wed 12th? Come & join the early birds at the #BAMRR session 8:45am! Hall 1A , J5. Great speakers & free CPD opportunity! #mri SCoR Members Martin Mitchell Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children Chorley & Royal Preston ERIC Jill McKenna

What another great UKIOCongress Really informative sessions from our esteemed speakers. Thank you Paul Lowe, Dr Sachin Mathur & Fern Sahidjuan 🙌 And special thanks to BAMRR President Cath Mills & President Elect Jill McKenna, for organising. #ukio #mri

Join BAMRR.org on 22 July for #MRSafety week. This is an opportunity for the MR community to come together & raise awareness of MR Safety, focus on safety of patients & staff, & promote best practice ⭐️🧲 Watch this space 👀gianesini giovanni IPEM MR-SIG BIR Tobias Gilk, MRSO, MRSE, Architect and MRI Safety

🧲🧲🧲 It’s here!! Click the link 👇 ✅ lnkd.in/eVzZ_JJy BAMRR joins many from the MRI community to share free education and resources for continued learning in MRI. #mrisafety #mrisafetyweek #patientsafety SCoR Members BIR RAD Magazine IPEM MR-SIG Alexandra Lipton

Happy MRI Safety Week! To celebrate, Metrasens is offering free educational (and fun!) resources every day. Today's resource: a brand-new podcast episode with Tobias Gilk, MRSO, MRSE, Architect and MRI Safety and Kellye Mantooth! youtube.com/watch?v=FVhbRd… #MRISafetyWeek #MRSafety

✅ 🧲 5th October 2024 - BAMRR Annual Conference ✅ REGISTRATION is OPEN ✅Scan the QR for details or visit: bamrr.org/bamrr-2024-con… SCoR Members IPEM MR-SIG ISMRT Richard Evans MFT NHS MFT_CSS @MRSAFETYMATTERS Tobias Gilk, MRSO, MRSE, Architect and MRI Safety

✅ Delighted to announce the Annual BAMRR Conference has received SCoR Members endorsement to help support outcomes of CPD Now. 4 weeks to go, book your place now! bamrr.org #mri #ahp Blackpool Radiology 💙 IPEM MR-SIG MFT NHS Sheffield Hospitals