Australian Genomics
Our research is developing the knowledge to effectively and equitably integrate genomics into clinical care, so all Australians benefit.
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Today, we welcome NHGRI_director Dr Eric Green, Prof. Kathryn North, Ms. Tiffany Boughtwood, Prof. Daniel MacArthur, Dr. Ira Deveson. Thank you Aunty Caroline Hughes AM @ausgenomics @NHGRI John Curtin School of Medical Research, ANU Black Ochre Omics #Collaboration…
Next month's #DNAdialogue features Dr Dr. Jehannine Austin from the University of British Columbia presenting "The importance of genetic counselling research". ⏰ Thursday 29 August at 9am (AEST) 📝 Register here: #seminarseries #genomics #geneticcounselling
#InvolveAustralia is looking for #genomicresearch projects to pilot the new ‘Guidelines for #CommunityInvolvement in Genomic Research’. Interested in participating? Contact [email protected] Learn more about the pilot project:… #genomics #research
There is still time to register for #GA4GH12thPlenary, co-hosted by Australian Genomics. Hear from Kathryn North, Heidi Rehm, Oliver Hofmann, and @Tiffboughtwood about why you should join us! 12th Plenary registration is available here:
Delighted this is out Genetics in Medicine 🤗🤗🤗 #education program in rapid #genomics ➡️ Modular design 📕📗📘 ➡️ National multidisciplinary delivery 👩⚕️👨⚕️ ➡️ Rigorous evaluation ✅ Modules freely available online Australian Genomics 🇦🇺👇…
Fabulous talk from Zoe Fehlberg - developing a #genomic utility ontology #hgsa24 Great team involved Prof Zornitza Stark Prof Andrew Mallett Ilias Goranitis Australian Genomics Find the papers here 👇……
An excellent last but not least talk about the development of the Involve Australia guidelines supported by Australian Genomics now live at… and being accessed by community members and researchers!
Coming up soon! #DNAdialogue featuring Dr Dr. Jehannine Austin from the University of British Columbia presenting "The importance of genetic counselling research". ⏰ Thurs 29 August at 9am (AEST) 📷 Register here: #seminarseries #genomics #geneticcounselling
Join us for the next #ELSInetwork seminar on Thu 12 Sept, 1.30pm (AEST). Dr Giselle Newton & Dr Cushla McKinney will explore recent Australian research into direct-to-consumer genetic tests. Register 👉 Prof. Ainsley Newson 💉💉💉💉💉 #ELSI #genomics #seminar #bioethics
📣 📣 📣 Our new paper out today in Genetics in Medicine on Genetic Counselling in rapid genomic testing Link 👉…