Animesh Sabnis, MD
Health equity & Quality @UCLAHealth. Academic neonatologist @dgsomucla @UCLAneo. RT ≠ endorsement. Tweets my own, not medical advice.
ID: 32202865
16-04-2009 23:31:29
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Don’t miss our next event this Tuesday! Our general body meeting will include an exciting panel with neonatal health equity leaders: Uchenna Ezeibe Anani Heather H. Burris, MD, MPH Meg Parker Diana Montoya-Williams, MD MSHP, FAAP highlighting their medical education, research, QI, and advocacy approaches to neonatal equity!
The racist governor of Florida has given us no choice. FREE Ebook: From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor…
Learn about the the UCLA Health Homeless Healthcare Collaborative at tomorrow's DoM Grand Rounds! Tune in at