Dr. Amy Lusher
Marine biologist, microplastics, marine litter. Senior Researcher, Norwegian Institute for Water Research @NIVAforskning and @SoapboxScience alumni
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26-03-2011 20:16:32
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It was a great journey with plenty of discussions covering many topics covering many of our projects. EUROqCHARM JPI Oceans FACTS Helmholtz Information & Data Science Academy HIDA AWI Medien AWI Schülerlabor OPENSEA NIVA Dr. Amy Lusher Win Cowger, PhD

When you’ve been working on a proposal too long it helps to have your partner do a dramatic movie voiceover of the subject matter: “IN A WORLD where the microplastics are harmonized …” 😂 Will White

Sometimes the tool you need for the job doesn't exist yet so you need to create it. This is a device we are working on for holding transmission spectroscopy samples inspired by Hannah in Sebastian Primpke's lab. Helmholtz Information & Data Science Academy HIDA #OpenSpectroscopy

A new review on the current microplastic monitoring efforts in the Arctic and where to go next: buff.ly/3TGdIr7 Bonnie Hamilton, PhD Dr. Jennifer Provencher Sjúrður Hammer, PhD 🇫🇴 @[email protected] Havforskningsinstituttet Universitetet i Bergen University of Toronto EEB IVL Environment Canada NORCE NIVA

New #preprint with Martin Ogonowski, Dr. Amy Lusher, MaHa: We compared published toxicity data and found that #microplastics are 10-fold more toxic than natural particles. Many uncertainties though, due to differences in study design/reporting. biorxiv.org/content/10.110…

New!!! 🤩 ICES Manual for Seafloor Litter Data Collection and Reporting 👇 Nice achievement by the ICES WGML group! Thomas Maes Andy Booth Christopher K. Pham Flanders Marine Institute - VLIZ ILVO @FrancoisGalgani & all amazing members of WGML 💙 ICES

Busy few weeks in the life of a #microplastics #researcher, pre-winter break meetings and deadlines, topped off with covid brain fog. I am incredibly proud to be listed alongside some of my long-term collaborators and EUROqCHARM project partners.

Do not miss our webinar focussing on how EUROqCHARM project outcomes can contribute to foster #plasticpollution global database synchronization. 🗓️ April 18 🕣 08.30 - 13.30 CET Not available? Register anyhow so you get the link to the recording afterwards!

Imitation is the greatest compliment - happy to see Business For A Plastics Treaty drawing heavily on NIVA Nordic Co-operation report on Adressing Microplastics in a Global Agreement, in their positioning for #INC2 of the #PlasticsTreaty businessforplasticstreaty.org/resources

New paper on plastic chemicals & their toxicity with Lisbet Sørensen, Andy Booth, Tânia Gomes and other fab ppl: We detected 39–2456 chemical features across 50 products, 3/4 remain unidentified. Chems in rubber products more toxic than other #plastics. sciencedirect.com/science/articl…

Great to dive into how our #Horizon2020 project has impacted #plasticpollution policy with key players in the field. Good to hear we have timely reached out to the relevant #MSFD process on updating "Guidance on Monitoring Marine Litter in European Seas" 😃EU_ScienceHub EU Environment