Daniel Spenst (@ixixlord) 's Twitter Profile
Daniel Spenst


Warcraft III Player for @mousesports

ID: 725847528

calendar_today30-07-2012 11:13:13

1,1K Tweet


140 Following

Daniel Spenst (@ixixlord) 's Twitter Profile Photo

How come that Matic 'Starbuck' D. tried to matchfix his own games at Raraland (which got revealed by his own team manager Marcel Sl4sH Reiske) and is still able to play any tournaments as well as ladder and doesn't get cancelled by the community nor W3C and B2W? W3Champions Back2Warcraft

ESL Germany (@eslgermany) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🏆 XLORD GEWINNT DIE ESLM SPRING 2023!🏆 Er hat es wieder geschafft: Daniel Spenst gewinnt mit einem 3:1 das Finale gegen ToD und holt sich zum siebten Mal in Folge den #Warcraft3-Titel der #ESLMeisterschaft! 👏


Er hat es wieder geschafft: <a href="/ixiXlorD/">Daniel Spenst</a> gewinnt mit einem 3:1 das Finale gegen <a href="/YoanMerlo/">ToD</a> und holt sich zum siebten Mal in Folge den #Warcraft3-Titel der #ESLMeisterschaft! 👏
Daniel Spenst (@ixixlord) 's Twitter Profile Photo

. Warcraft III: Reforged We all know that Dr. BS only picks and plays the imbalanced matchups. So we already have our indicator for the state of WC3. You can orient your patches around it. I present to you the "Imbalance-o-Meter" for October 2023:

. <a href="/Warcraft3/">Warcraft III: Reforged</a>
We all know that Dr. BS only picks and plays the imbalanced matchups. So we already have our indicator for the state of WC3. You can orient your patches around it.  I present to you the "Imbalance-o-Meter" for October 2023:
MOUZ (@mousesports) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We had a great time at #RaRa23 🐭 Daniel Spenst finished the tournament in 9th - 12th place. It's nice to be able to meet the Warcraft III community in Germany. #VAMOUZ

We had a great time at #RaRa23 🐭

<a href="/ixiXlorD/">Daniel Spenst</a> finished the tournament in 9th - 12th place. 

It's nice to be able to meet the Warcraft III community in Germany. 

sp4rta (@sp4rtatwitch) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This was a real banger of a tournament. D/A/CH scene united! Great times and a deserved #1. Der Meister did it again !

Daniel Spenst (@ixixlord) 's Twitter Profile Photo

News just in: Hitman dodging Bidoux 's invite to Dortmund in order to avoid to see this mullet... Understandable. Bidoux was seen leaving the event in tears...