Iva Melinscak Zlodi
ID: 3344374420
24-06-2015 17:17:52
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Znanstveno izdavaštvo ne mora biti isključivo u rukama "velikih 5". A veliki EU projekti (poput DIAMAS Project) sve veću pažnju daju malim i neprofitnim izdavačima. Pridružite nam se u razgovoru nakon kraćih izlaganja o rezultatima projekta: bit.ly/diamas-rs-hr
We're talking about DIAMAS Project and #DiamondOA at the WBC-RRI.NET webinar: Towards Diamond #OpenAccess in #WesternBalkans! Iva Melinscak Zlodi is presenting the results of the Institutional Publishing Landscape Survey #ScholarlyPublishing #sustainability 🔎diamasproject.eu/diamas-results…
Pridružite se raspravi s panelistima: Marijom Brajdić Vuković Marija Brajdić Vuković (IDIZ), Dinkom Čorkalo Biruški (FFZG), Mateuszem-Milanom Stanojevićem (FFZG), Jasminom Vojvodić (FFZG), Sašom Zelenikom Saša Zelenika (UNIRI) i Dankom Zelićem (IPU)!
Remember to join today the DIAMAS Project webinar on Multilingualism 28 February at 15:00-16:30 (CET)! Register here to get the Zoom-link: tsv-fi.zoom.us/meeting/regist…
Coming up on 1 March! EIFL, Sveučilište u Zadru (University of Zadar) and #FFZG Zagreb University are hosting a webinar to share insights on the recent DIAMAS Project landscape findings and future actions. #DiamondOA #ScholarlyPublishing 📅 01 / 03 12pm CET Registration: bit.ly/3TcDu90
One more event in the DIAMAS series presenting the EU landscape of institutional publishing! If you missed the previous ones, join us for a discussion next Wednesday with Jan Erik Frantsvåg and Pierre Mounier!
Missed our webinar on the @Diamasproject Landscape Report with Pierre Mounier, Jan Erik Frantsvåg & Iva Melinscak Zlodi? Have a look at the recording & learn more about the context & results of the DIAMAS survey & diversity in institutional publishing in the #ERA : youtube.com/watch?v=k3onWG…
Our DIAMAS Project research on the financial sustainability of Diamond #OpenAccess led to important findings and recommendations for the Diamond OA ecosystem. Join this webinar on 2 April to look into sustaining Diamond OA's future with a panel of experts bit.ly/3SNd65n
How financially sustainable is Diamond #OpenAccess in Europe for institutional publishers and service providers? Research findings from 18m DIAMAS Project work out today in new Report! zenodo.org/records/109070… #oadiamond #openaccess #diamondoa #sustainopenscience